Chapter 15: Gringotts

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The waves were crashing into the cliffs with such force that I could feel the earth shake beneath me. The view was breaktaking, but if I took a wrong step, I'm sure I would have fallen into the sea and that would be the end.

Just looking out into the blue vastness made me realize why Melusine lived in her pond in that forest. It was grand, but I wondered how many creatures lurked in it's depths.

I followed Eleazar out of the cave, and he said something rather unexpected.

"We have traveled way further than the carriage had traveled. We are somewhere in the Scottish Highlands." I then spot ruins across the water and cliffs towards the right of me.

"Ruins?" I question, quite puzzled.

"Wherever that portkey took us, I assume it's what George and Miriam died looking for. I'd like to have a look around."

"I mean, I suppose so. We don't have any idea where we are or how to get to Hogwarts from here." He then starts to walk, and I follow. I climb over rocky cliffs that crumbled under my touch, and jumped down ledges that were very close to the ocean, which made me rather nervous.

"Where do you think she got the portkey?" I question, following closely behind him.

"Miriam spent years searching for evidence of lost ancient magic, that had seemingly been lost to time-" he pauses for a moment-

"And as I've said before, her research led me to you. I think you are a piece of this puzzle that we have yet to solve. Hogwarts in itself is a stronghold of ancient magic- Miriam wanted to learn of the good that the ancient magic could do-" I then cut off his cryptic ramblings with a question.

"Also, you've yet to indulge me on what the sorting ceremony even is? What should I expect when we get there?" I was so stressed about learning spells before attending, that I had forgotten to ask Eleazar about Hogwarts at all.

"Ah yes- I'll give you a quick synopsis while we look around. There are four houses- Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. The sorting hat will tell you which qualities you most possess and you will be sorted into the house that it deems most appropriate."

"Which house are you in, Eleazar? Do they do the same for Professors?"

"They don't do it for Professors specifically, but when I attended Hogwarts I was sorted into the Gryffindor house. But you will learn more about the housing system when we get there."

I think about it for a moment before responding.

"What house do you think the house will choose for me?" He then glances back at me.

"I'm not quite sure, but the hat will look into your mind and determine it, even if you aren't sure of it yourself." We slowly come to a dead end, with what appeared to be ice blocking the way forward. I gently touched the barrier. It didn't feel like ice- it felt more like a slick glass after rain. It felt rather warm.

"Is that ice?" I question, trying to understand better of whatever was towering in front of me.

"It's not cold enough here. It appears to be some sort of enchantment. Someone wanted to block our way forward- well, perfect opportunity to practice your wand-work as I said we would before the ceremony!" I sigh, and then feel my pockets for my wand. I gasp in realization as I realize that it's not there.

"I must've... dropped it in the carriage Eleazar." He then rolls his eyes slightly with a slight smile appearing, as he reveals the wand he had lent to me appearing from his pocket.

"You nearly left it in the cab, but luckily I had grabbed it before we departed for the carriage." I slowly take it from him, feeling very pessimistic about my casting skills with a wand.

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