Chapter 18: First Morning at Hogwarts and Defense Against the Dark Arts

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Despite being blind, the boy that I had ran into maneuvered the castle with ease. I had assumed he had memorized the way, like Melusine, but knew nothing about his background or how long he had been blind for.

"Thank you for showing me the way back." I start, while following close behind. "Aren't you afraid of getting in trouble yourself by being out past curfew?" He turned back slightly as I spoke.

"I'm sure I'll think of a good excuse to tell Imelda. I'm not scared of her. She's all talk but no action." I then decided to try to make a bit of small talk as we walked.

"So, I see you're a Slytherin. Sacharissa told me to be wary about people in Slytherin. But you seem nice to show me the way back." He pauses for a moment before replying.

"You shouldn't believe everything you hear." His voice sounded almost sad for a moment, before we come to the long downward winding staircase that lead to my common room.

"Thank you- um-" I pause, "I didn't catch your name."

"Ominis. Ominis Gaunt."

"Thank you Ominis. I'll look forward to seeing you around school." I then hurriedly leave him behind me, racing down the steps. It seemed to have been definitely more than 10 minutes since someone had called into the restroom.

As soon as I go to knock on the barrel to enter, the common room opens to reveal a rather angry face. Her skin almost matched how red her hair was.

"Ah, Sacharissa! I um, got lost and someone showed me the way back." I look away for a moment, trying to hide the fact that I had twisted the truth. I had gotten lost in my thoughts, but Ominis had saved me from getting lost in the castle. Her temper cooled.

"You are such a terrible liar. Come on, let's get to bed. I'll overlook you being late just this once, as the term hasn't begun yet, but I can't promise I'll be so generous in the future." We then head back to the room. The whole common room was dimmed, as if the wax was running low in the lanterns that surrounded the room. The fireplace was still crackling off to one side.

Poppy and Adelaide were already asleep by the time we entered the room, and I quietly slide sheets over the bed that were tucked under the quilt folded at the end. I set the makeshift bag of clothes next to the trunk at the end, and I take a few moments to brush the tangles out of my hair.

"Oh, Sacharissa." I whisper, getting up and growing closer to her bed with the Lavender soap in hand. She had already laid down and was resting comfortably under her covers.

"Hmm, what is it?" She replied.

"Here's your soap." I could see a smile appear on her lips through the dark.

"Keep it. I have plenty." She whispered back, shifting to lay on one side.

"Oh, okay! Thanks." I then carefully, and silently, walked back to my own bed and slipped under the quilt. The shower had made me relaxed, after such an exciting day, and I drifted off quickly into a deep slumber.

The next morning, I was awoken by someone gently tapping my shoulder. It was Poppy.

"Hey, you better wake up! I wouldn't want you to miss breakfast on your first day" She stated, and I slowly arose. My face felt heavy with sleep, as I more than needed a good nights rest.

"Thank you Poppy- how much time do I have before breakfast is over?" I asked, sleepily rubbing my eyes.

"Classes start at 9am, but it's currently around, I'd say, 8:15am. I'll show you where the Great Hall is if you don't remember the way! Sacharissa had a prefect meeting early this morning, so she couldn't be here. I also heard that Professor Weasley was looking for you, but she said that it was okay if you both met after breakfast."

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