Chapter 12: TGIF

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The next day in Potions, Professor Snape gave them a quick lecture on the proper use of potions and their ingredients, and the importance of following directions.
"I realize that none of you had any problems with the potion. It was the Gryffindors who had some problems, some of them quite major. However, I wanted to reiterate just how important the proper handling of potions and their ingredients are, as well as just how dangerous it is if you do not follow instructions. This is especially important for the next potion you are brewing. You will be brewing a Pepperup Potion. If brewed incorrectly, some of the side effects include third degree burns. You really must take the utmost care with your work. Now, allow me to cover the general uses of Pepperup Potion."
Professor Snape went on to tell them all about Pepperup Potion including its uses, inventor, ingredients, and brewing time. They would only just have enough time to finish it in class.
During lunch, all anyone could talk about was their practical Defense Against the Dark Arts class. They were looking forward to casting spells. They all wondered how long it would take to master this type of spell work. Eager to begin, the entire class arrived early and had to wait outside the door for Professor Quirrell to arrive. When he did, he seemed very pleased.
"Come along, in you get. We have an exciting lesson today." Everyone clamored in and sat down in their seats. "No, no. We will not be sitting today. Up you get." They did so, and Professor Quirrell vanished their desks. "Now, take out your wands and imitate my movement." He brought his arm down diagonally across his torso quickly, and the students did the same. "Now, the incantation is 'Protego'. Repeat after me, please. 'Protego'." The entire class chorused after him. "Very good, now, please split into pairs." The class hurriedly formed partners: Draco and Hermione, Vincent and Gregory, Theodore and Harry, Blaise and Daphne, and Millicent and Pansy.
"Now, in order to test your shields, your partner will cast a quick charm. In order to cast this charm, point your wand at your partner and say 'Goglais'. This will cause your partner to feel a quick tickle. Please attempt this one by one." Everyone did so, and within five castings, everyone was able to accomplish the spell. "Now, for those who master the casting of the shield, you may want to have your partner attempt the 'Goglais Maxima' charm. It will tickle you for longer and is harder to deflect. It will test the strength of your shield. Anyone who wishes to practice it may try now." Well, of course everyone did. There was quite a bit of laughter as it was cast.
"Very good, very good. Now, partners on my left, you will attempt to cast your shield first. On three, one...two...three!" The students all attempted to cast the shield. However, when Professor Quirell asked that Goglais be cast, every one of the students "casting" a shield laughed.
"Quite all right, don't be discouraged. It takes practice. Now, right side, your turn." The process was repeated again. However, this time, one student did not laugh.
"Congratulations, Mr. P...Potter! Ten points to Slytherin. Wonderful work." Everyone clapped for Harry, who was smiling. "Very well, on your next attempt, please have Mr. Nott cast Goglais Maxima."
"I will, sir."
"Now, left side, again." They alternated casting the shield charm. Harry could easily deflect every charm that was cast. Hermione manage to cast a proper shield on her third try, and Draco managed on his fourth. By the end of class, every student had managed to successfully block the Goglais charm. Harry had progressed onto blocking the stunning spell.
"Excellent work, Slytherins. As you have all mastered Protego, I award Slytherin ten points. Now, you have no true homework assigned. However, if everyone can deflect Goglais Maxima on your first try next lesson, I will award Slytherin another ten points. If you can all deflect impedimenta, I will award Slytherin fifteen points. And if you can all block Stupefy, I will award twenty points. Let's see how hard you all work. Feel free to ask for help from the older students. Third years should all be able to cast those spells with ease. Class dismissed. Oh, and Harry, would you please stay behind. I'd like to have a word with you."
"Yes, sir." He cast a quick look to Hermione and Draco. As they passed him on their way out, Hermione whispered, "We'll wait right outside." Feeling slightly better, Harry strode up to the desk. With a wave of his wand, Professor Quirrell conjured the desks once more.
"Harry, I am very pleased with your work. It is not often that students master spells on their first try. Congratulations."
"Thank you, sir," Harry mumbled, feeling rather embarrassed.
"Now, Harry, I realize I have already asked you a personal question, but may I ask you another one?" Seeing no way out of it, Harry replied that he may. "Do you recall your parents at all?"
"My parents? Um...well...every now and then I have dreams about people looking at me while I am in a crib, but they don't look anything like me."
"What did they look like?"
"Well, I can't see the woman well. I can tell she has straight brown hair. But the man I can see quite clearly. He is tall and pale. His eyes are hazel with some purple in them. Why do you ask, Professor?" Professor Quirrell remained silent for a moment.
"Well, Harry...there is much that you do not..." Professor Quirrell was suddenly cut off by Hermione entering the room.
"Oh! I'm sorry, Professor, I thought you'd left already. I left my bag in here." She ran over to the corner where she had shoved her bag earlier when no one was looking.
"Quite alright, Ms. Granger. Mr. Potter, I suppose you ought to go down to lunch. You must be hungry."
"Thank you, Professor." Harry followed Hermione down to lunch. Draco, Vincent, and Gregory were there waiting for him.
"What did he want this time, Harry." Harry turned to look at Hermione.
"He wanted to know if I remembered my parents."
"Why would he want to know that."
"I don't know. He was about to answer when you came in. He said, 'there is much that I do not...'."
"That's an odd thing to say. I wonder what he would have finished with. I'm sorry Harry, if I had realized, I wouldn't have barged in. I was worried about you. That's the second time he's kept you after to ask odd questions."
"She's got a point, mate. I don't think we ought to leave you alone with him. A teacher should not be asking such personal questions."
"I know, Draco. It made me uncomfortable, but it seems odd to say no to a teacher."
"Don't worry, Harry, we just won't leave you alone. Then you won't be put in such an awkward position.
"Thanks, guys. You know, we should probably just finish our homework this afternoon so we get it out of the way."
"Harry, mate, I think we're spending too much time with Hermione. You're starting to sound like her." Hermione smacked him lightly on the arm and they all laughed. Harry stopped by the Gryffindor table and told Alexander about his Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, leaving out the part where Professor Quirrell asked about his parents. Alexander was very impressed with his shield charms.
The five friends then set off for the common room after lunch. With everyone's help, they managed to finish all of their homework, even Vincent and Gregory. Gregory had to help them with their Astronomy; and Harry and Marcus Flint (who they gave a sugar quill for helping them) made sure they were all able to shield themselves from Goglais Maxima, Impedimenta, and Stupefy. When they were finished, they all went up to dinner. Harry was surprised when an owl flew in and landed in front of Hermione.
"Late owl?"
"I decided to take out a subscription to the Daily Prophet."
"Doesn't that arrive in the morning?"
"This is the evening edition. I ordered both."
"Oh. Anything interesting?" Hermione suddenly gasped.
"Yes! Listen to this: GRINGOTTS BREAK-IN LATEST: Investigations continue into the break-in at Gringotts on 31 July, widely believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown. Gringotts goblins today insisted that nothing had been taken. The vault that was searched had in fact been emptied the same day "But we're not telling you what was in there, so keep your noses out if you know what's good for you," said a Gringotts spokesgoblin this afternoon."
"That was on my birthday! Someone broke into Gringotts on my birthday!"
"I wonder what they were looking for."
"I don't know. There are so many different things at Gringotts. Ancient treasures, rare books, and of course lots and lots of gold."
"Well, whatever it was, it doesn't concern us. I'm going to head back to the common room."
"We'll come with you Hermione."
"Ok, Draco." After finishing the last bit of food on their plates, the five friends all walked back to the dormitory. The all sat in front of the fire and relaxed, enjoying their free time and ability to do nothing. At bedtime, they bid goodnight to everyone in the common room, and hurried up to their rooms. They hadn't decided what to do for the weekend, but knew that they would all be having fun.

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