Chapter 15: Tryouts

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The next morning at breakfast, Harry received a note informing him that tryouts for the Slytherin Quidditch team would be held Saturday at 1pm. He was also expected to be at the pitch everyday at 6pm to practice catching the snitch (and probably more golf balls if he really thought about it).
With these added activities, Harry's week flew by. Between homework, classes, and Seeker practice, it felt as thought the week went by in the blink of an eye. Luckily, Hermione kept him grounded, ensuring his homework did indeed get done. In fact, between Hermione, Harry, and Draco, they made sure Vincent and Gregory finished their homework before the Quidditch tryouts. She even included Alexander whenever he could join them.
On Saturday, the entire Slytherin house trooped out after lunch to watch the team tryouts. Harry nervously tried on his Seeker's robes, pleasantly surprised when they fit perfectly. He followed Marcus and Alfred Montague out of the locker room.
Harry was surprised to see just how many students were lined up to try out for the team. Marcus led the three of them to the center of the pitch and directed them to take a quick lap around the goalposts. As Harry took off, he listened to Marcus speak to the Quidditch hopefuls.
"Please form groups based on which position you will be trying out for. Keepers, line up under the goal posts. Beaters, please form a line at the left hand side of the field. Chasers, please form a line at the right hand side of the field. Those who are trying out for multiple positions, please stand between the lines for the positions you will be trying out for."
"Excuse me, Marcus?"
"What about those trying out for Seeker? Terence Higgs graduated last year. His position should be open." Harry was surprised, he was positive everyone knew he was Seeker.
"The position of Seeker has already been filled." Harry heard the angry grumbling among the students. He landed next to Marcus, blushing.
"By whom? That is not fair. Every position should have a tryout! What makes the new Seeker so special?" Apparently reactions were different among those who had aspirations to the position of Seeker. Harry couldn't recall anyone complaining when they'd first found out he would be Seeker. Marcus shoved Harry forward.
"Harry is the new Seeker. Professor Snape personally be requested that he play the position of Seeker due to the prowess he has displayed."
"But he's only in first year! He can't play."
"He should at least have to try out!"
"I can't believe he's actually good enough to be admitted without a tryout!"
"Professor Snape can't just appoint players!"
"ENOUGH!" The students instantly quieted down. "Professor Snape appointed Harry as Seeker. I will not specify his reasons any further. Suffice to say they were very good reasons. However, as so many of you doubt Harry's abilities, I will give you a demonstration." He turned to Harry. "I must ask that you demonstrate the moves we practiced this week. Otherwise, you and I will never hear the end of this." Harry nodded.
They both took off on their brooms, Marcus holding the sack of golf balls they had been practicing with all week. Using a combination of spells, Marcus levitated all of the golf balls, spaced them around the entire field, and allowed them to begin dropping at different speeds. After a moment to judge the speed at which they were falling, Harry zoomed around the field, catching each ball. He caught the last inches from the ground after a spectacular dive. Marcus signaled Harry to land, which he did. He smiled and blushed at the applause the students gave him.
"Now," shouted Marcus. "Any questions? Anyone still believe he is not suited to be our Seeker?" No one answered. "Then line up!" The students scrambled to follow instructions. Harry noticed only two students were trying out for multiple positions.
Keeper tryouts went first. There were only four people trying out for Keeper. Each hopeful had the Quaffle thrown at them ten times. Miles Bletchley was the only one who blocked every goal. Naturally, Marcus was excited by this.
Beater tryouts came next. Marcus cast a spell to duplicate the beater's bat. He created one for each of the ten beater hopefuls. Marcus started them on the ground. He had one hopeful stand in the middle of the field and released a Bludger. The students had to keep from being hit as the Bludger came at them again and again. Marcus had to cast several quick shields to protect the students. Only four students made it through the first half of the tryout. Those four were divided into two teams and had to work together on brooms to "pass" the Bludger between themselves. Isaac Bole and Troy Derrick became the new Beaters.
Finally came the Chaser tryouts. Only one Chaser was needed, but twenty people were lined up to try out. Marcus started this tryout with a timed flying trial. The fastest ten hopefuls on a broom moved on to the next phase of tryouts. Marcus and Alfred flew in formation with each of the remaining hopefuls. Those who could not easily remain in formation were cut. This phase brought them down to six. Marcus, Alfred, and the six hopefuls formed a circle and passed the ball around quickly. Every time the ball was dropped, that player was cut. When they were down to two, they practiced throwing goals. Adrian Pucey managed to get one past Miles, thereby earning him the position of Chaser. Marcus finished up tryouts with a short speech.
"I'd like to thank everyone who showed interest in joining the team. Congratulations to our four new teammates. To those who did not make it, don't give up. Keep practicing and try again next year." He turned to the six people standing by him. "Team, please change and meet me back on the field in ten minutes." They all trooped off to the locker room, changed, and walked back onto the field. Marcus evidently still had more to say.
"I'll need a copy of everyone's schedule by tomorrow morning at breakfast so I can work out a training schedule. Please include classes, tutoring, and any extracurriculars on your schedule. I will not tolerate conflicts from activities not listed. As representatives of our house, let me also say I will not tolerate childlike behavior. Excessive detentions, or detentions earned immediately before a game will be considered grounds for removal from the team. We cannot win if you are not dedicated to this team. Are there any questions?" Harry took a quick look at everyone else and saw they were shaking their heads. "Very well, feel free to head to the Great Hall. Dinner should be starting soon. I'll have the practice schedules to you tomorrow at dinner. Harry, may I have a quick word?" As the other team members walked off towards the castle, Harry looked inquisitively at Marcus.
"Did I do something wrong, Marcus?"
"No, not at all, Harry. I wanted to make sure you weren't bothered by your minimal part in the tryouts."
"Not at all. Besides, you're Captain. I can hardly argue with your decisions." Marcus smiled.
"Well said, Harry. I also want you to let me know if your schedule gets too demanding. I know this is only your first year, and I remember how stressful my first year was. I know I didn't have Hermione as a friend. I've noticed how well she keeps you all on task. However, if you have any problems, feel free to come to me. I'm more than willing to give you some help." Harry smiled.
"Thanks, Marcus. I appreciate that." Marcus led Harry to the Great Hall, and kept up a steady flow of conversation about their second week of classes. They parted amicably when they reached their table, each going to sit with their closest friends. Hermione gave Harry a quick hug when he sat down next to her.
"Congratulations, Harry. You are now officially part of the team."
"Thanks, Hermione. I didn't exactly do much during tryouts though." They all laughed and enjoyed dinner. That evening, Harry quickly made a copy of his schedule and gave it to Marcus before heading to bed.

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