Chapter 7 - Eye of the Storm

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Andy watched breathlessly as Mr. Peterson stood at the front of the classroom, his unyielding expression sending chills down his spine. He couldn't help but feel like his teacher seemed somehow above the whole scene that had just unfolded, as though he had been prepared for such a daring display of defiance.

"I want you all to understand the gravity of what you just witnessed," Mr. Peterson's eyes were dark with concern as he addressed the class, hands clasped together tightly as if he was trying to hold onto some semblance of control. "The new disciplinary policy is not something to be taken lightly."

Andy couldn't help but feel like Mr. Peterson was talking down to them, his voice carrying a tone of superiority that left Andy feeling small and insignificant. It was like he didn't trust them to understand the seriousness of the situation.

"Please, try to understand," Mr. Peterson's voice turned icy, his eyes narrowing as he spoke, "that this isn't some silly stuff you just wash off. This is real poop!"

Andy shuddered at the reminder, his stomach churning with revulsion. He looked around the room, watching as his fellow classmates recoiled in disgust as Mr. Peterson continued.

"It has tiny particles that get into your skin and hair, and cling like glue," Mr. Peterson continued, his voice dropping to a low growl. "It stays with you for days, people. Days!"

Andy's eyes widened in horror as he pictured the lingering stench of the waste, the disgusting substance clinging to everyone and everything it touched. It was a thought that made him want to wretch, and he could feel his body tensing up in horror.

"And it's not just Iris who will be dealing with this," Mr. Peterson's voice was almost menacing now, a sharp edge of warning in his tone. "Her family will be putting up with the smell, too. And her friends. It follow her around like a constant reminder of what happened here."

As Mr. Peterson finished speaking, Andy looked around the room, watching as his classmates exchanged furtive glances. He could see the concern etched on their faces, a shared sense of fear and uncertainty that left him feeling more alone than ever. He couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he was ever to end up in Iris's situation, facing the humiliation and torment of the new policy. Could he be as strong as she had been, or would he crumble under its weight and smell?

The janitors soon arrived with their cleaning supplies and quickly set to work scrubbing away the mess; the scent of the cleaner wafted through the air, mixing with the lingering odors of the punishment. It was like the harsh chemical scent was trying to overpower the stench, to scrub away the memories that lingered in the room. But no matter how hard they scrubbed, Andy knew that the memories of what had just happened would never truly fade.

As class resumed and the minutes flew by, Andy felt his stomach grumbling impatiently. He was hungry, eager for the lunch break. But more than that, he was eager for the normalcy of daily life to return, for the oppressive weight of the disciplinary system to lift from his shoulders. He breathed a sigh of relief as the bell rang signaling the end of class, he was more than ready to leave behind the heavy atmosphere that had clung to the room all day.

He made his way over towards Dylan, eager to grab something to eat and take a break from the stress. But before he could even say hello, Dylan leaned in close, his words barely audible over the din of the crowd.

"Dude, you won't believe this," Dylan whispered in hushed tones, his eyes wide with shock. "Iris knew what she was getting into. She did it on purpose."

Andy felt a shiver run down his spine, his mind racing as he tried to process the revelation. Could it be true? Could Iris have willingly subjected herself to the cruel and inhumane punishment of the new disciplinary system?

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