Chapter 2

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All nurses were assigned to run medical tests on the new pilots, to see if they were eligible to fly and to check if they had or were prone to any diseases. It wasn't the exciting first job Lizzie thought she was gonna get, but hey, they all had to start somewhere.

The task was fairly simple, the nurses look at each record for any issues, run eye and hearing tests, and give the mandatory shots to each pilot. To Lizzie, the repetition and rotation really were boring her out of her mind. She desperately wanted to go outside for some fresh air to clear her sense of smell of the scent of ink and paper. If she had to stamp another paper ONE MORE TIME she was for sure going to lose it.

Lizzie looked over at Evelyn, who looked very focused on the files in front of her. Evelyn is a very hard worker, there's nothing that could stop her from doing a job really. When she's in the zone, she's in the ZONE. It's the characteristic of her that inspires Lizzie to do just that.

"Okay, you are good to go, sir," Lizzie dismissed the pilot with smile. "Jeez, is getting boring," she thought, "There's gotta be SOME action going on here."

"Next, and if you could please hand me your file," the bored brunette said, without even looking up. She scanned the file for any unusual things, only to find nothing wrong.

"And can you read the bottom row of letters for me left to right?"

"J, L, M, K, P, O, E, T, X"

"Okay, then Lieutenant...," she looked at the name at the top of the file, "Danny Walker, you are good to-"


Words have officially lost their way to her mouth because Lizzie was speechless. Standing in front of her was the most attractive guy she's ever laid eyes on. With tousled dark brown hair, honey-colored eyes, a white tank top that REALLY shows off his fit body, and a small million dollar smile on his face. Lizzie could feel the heat rise in her cheeks, and looked down and cleared her throat.

Danny noticed this and couldn't help but smile. She was too cute. "Sorry ma'am, I'm good to what?" he said a little mischievously. Lizzie took a second to compose herself before she says something stupid, "Ahem, I said you're free to go."

"Why thank you very much ma'am, you have a great day," grinned the boy timidly as he took the file off Lizzie's hands and walked to the next station. After a few steps, he looked back to see Lizzie catching a few glances at him between looking through other pilots' files. "Aw man, she sure is pretty."

After a few more stampings, Martha told Evelyn and Lizzie that it was time to rotate stations. They were rotating to the station with the shots.

"Oh how fun, we get to stick needles in their butts," joked Lizzie, making Evelyn chuckle. The head nurse instructed them to always check the file to see if the pilot already got the shot, because one too many can cause some problems.

Lizzie was just glad she wasn't stuck sitting in a chair anymore. At least now she has room to walk around in. She made sure to read each file carefully to see what the pilot needed, then stuck the needle. Let's just say this was way more amusing to her than stamping papers.

Lizzie turned to see who she had next, and low and behold. It was Danny.

"Hello again, are you ready for your shot?"

"As long as it don't hurt me too mu- OW OKAY"

Lizzie bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. Danny turned around to face her, "Oh, so you think this is funny? A nurse, laughing at someone in pain." A shy grin was plastered on the cheeky boy's face.

That made Lizzie laugh out loud, making a few people to glance over at them. She swatted Danny's chest, "I'm sure a guy like you can handle a little prick."

They both laughed as they tried to make themselves look busy, so that no one would interrupt their little moment. Danny took a good look at Lizzie, taking in all she is. Beautiful light brown hair that was tied up to keep out of her face, her dark brown eyes that looked like they were shining with joy, the way she fiddles with her pencil, and that smile of hers that made him go a little weak in the knees. Danny has never looked at a girl like this before, something about Lizzie just pulls him in.

"Now I never got your name, miss mystery nurse."

Lizzie raised a brow, wanting to mess with the shy pilot, "And what makes you think I should give you it?"

"Oh! Well you don't have to, I mean only if you want to, you see I was just asking cause-"

He was cut off by Lizzie's laugh, "I was kidding you doofus. It's Elizabeth Farley, but you can call me Lizzie."

"Lizzie, what a pretty name," thought Danny. He decided he was gonna ask her out right then and there, using up all his courage.

"Say, Miss Lizzie, is there any chance I could uh, maybe, sorta, um... take you out sometime?" His voice going a little higher and quieter as he asked the question. Danny stuffed a hand into his pocket with the other rubbing the back of his neck, clearly he was a little nervous.

Lizzie blushed and nodded, "Yes, I would most certainly love that, Mr. Danny."

She picked up his file and handed it to him and lowered her voice so that only he can hear her, "Can you pick me up after my shift here? I think we get off at around 6 o'clock tonight."

Danny took this opportunity to take her hand and kiss it gently, a small gesture that set Lizzie's heart aflame, "I'll be there."

He walked away blushing and smiling from ear to ear to his next station. Lizzie waited a moment for him to be out of sight so that she can jump up and down out of excitement. "Well don't you look happy," Evelyn said as she eyed Lizzie's little happy dance, "Did that guy just ask you out or something?"

Lizzie rapidly nodded her head, "Yes, and he's so sweet and gosh, he's so handsome. He has these brown eyes that just look like drops of HONEY and..."

Evelyn laughed at her excited friend as she prepared for the next person in line.

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