Chapter 5

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The next few weeks for Lizzie and the nurses were quite busy. They all got new assignments and were planning and packing for their new destinations. Now, Lizzie won't make the same mistake she did last time with her baggage. She actually took the time to carefully fold everything and place them in to the bag nice and neatly. But even after all of that, the bag STILL won't close properly until she had to get help from the other girls to wrestle the zipper to close.

She took a look at her file with her new assignment, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Lizzie has only heard and seen photos of Hawaii, and it looked like such a fun place. She was also so happy to learn that most of her friends have the same assignment, so she won't be alone on this continuation of her adventure.

What made her even happier was finding out Danny was set to be stationed in Hawaii too. Meaning, she'll get to spend a lot of time with him there. The thought of going out on dates with Danny on an island like Hawaii made Lizzie feel like on cloud 9.

The girls looked around in awe when they arrived on the port of Pearl harbor, taking in the ocean, the warmth of the sun, the whole tropical vibe of the island, and of course, the navy guys on the ships. It took them NO TIME to get settled and feel right at home.

The nurses checked out their new house that they would be living in. A nice, two-story building with floral decorating the exterior. Each nurse had their own bed and closet, and shared a rather large bathroom. "Wait, there's ONE bathroom?!" Martha exclaimed, "It takes Betty a whole hour to get ready in the morning, we'll never get out of the house in time!" That comment received a playful smack from Betty, as the women explored the rest of the house.

Lizzie saw how Evelyn was really fond of the outdoor patio in the backyard. It had an amazing view of the ocean, and you can even see the sun set go down. Lizzie sat next to the dark-haired female, "Man, this really is some place. I can't believe we get to WORK here!" Evelyn gave a half-smile, "Yea, it's great." She looked out on the waves, as they rolled back and forth. Her mind was occupied with something else. Lizzie immediately knew something is wrong, "Everything alright, Ev? You know you can talk to me about anything. I'm here for you." Evelyn looked at her and sighed, "I just- I just wish Rafe was here." Rafe was called to go to join the Eagle squadron across the Atlantic in London. His departure for London really worried Evelyn, because she knew that the war there was brutal. She didn't know if there was even a chance of him coming back home. Lizzie pulled her into a hug, "Oh Ev, I know it's hard, but the best thing to do right now is to just hope and pray. Rafe is a tough guy and we both know that he can pull through." Evelyn gave a sad smile, "You're right. I was just going to write him a letter," she held up a pen and a few pages of paper, "Hopefully, he comes back before he receives it."


Lizzie was going to meet up with Danny later to check out the rest of the island. The day so far has been so amazing, a date with Danny would be the cherry on top. It was dusk, and the two decided it was the perfect time to go for a stroll on the beach. Lizzie swung their intertwined hands back and forth as they walked along the shoreline. There in the distance was the sun sinking into the ocean, a breath-taking vision. Danny watched Lizzie as she gazed at the sunset, as she said, "Look how beautiful!" The dark-haired male smiled as he looked at her, "Yea, it sure is."

The two laid down a blanket that Lizzie brought down on the sand and sat down. Danny pulled Lizzie onto his lap, facing him. She ran her fingers through his hair, she loved it when they had soft quiet moments like this. She always felt like her life keeps going at such a fast pace, but with Danny, life completely goes slow-mo. It's like he was the calm to her storm.

Danny's eyes never left Lizzie, he knew he was deep in love with this girl. Every time they're together, sparks flew. Danny was ready to give up anything for Lizzie, he would do anything to protect her.

The shy pilot was hesitant to say it at first, but ultimately blurted it out, "I love you." Boy, was he scared to see what Lizzie's reaction was. "Was that too sudden?" he thought to himself.

A smile grew on Lizzie's face. She kissed him, and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I love you too."

"Oh, thank God," sighed Danny. The young nurse laughed at Danny's face of relief, and kissed him again.


The next day, the nurses were given a run down of what exactly they'll be doing in Pearl harbor. They went through a tour of the hospital and the general information of where's what, and how to use this, and etc, etc. However, Lizzie couldn't help but notice that there really wasn't anything going on in the hospital. No sick, injured, or ANY soldiers in here. People only came in for extreme sun burn, and aftermaths of some nasty bar fights.

"Is it bad that I thought that working here on a naval base would have more... well, work?" inquired Lizzie, "I mean, I guess I'm just shocked that there's no one in the hospital to treat or anything like that."

"Well, I don't expect much to happen actually," replied Martha as the nurses walked down the street to a cafe, "the only major thing that they would need us for is if we suddenly enter the war right now."

"Oh, that won't be for a while though, right?"


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