their first kiss<3

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this is the first time I have wrote characters kissing lmao I normally write angst (no trigger warnings for this chapter)


they had been hanging out a lot recently and it was amazing.

Chase had honestly never been happier than he is when he is with Kaz.

they had just finished the third tecton movie and it was now night time.

they were just talking until Kaz made eye contact with him and neither of them made an effort to look away.

Kaz's eye's flickered down to Chase's lips before returning his eyes.

Chase noticed and began weighing his options.

maybe it would be okay, maybe Kaz wanted this as much as he did.

he took a deep breath gathering the courage to say what he was thinking.

"can I kiss you?" he asked.

"please do." Kaz quickly nodded and with consent Chase moved closer than he already was.

"can you...close your eyes?" he said nervously and Kaz's eyes drifted shut.

Chase hadn't kissed anyone before so he didn't really know what to do.

he closed his eyes hesitantly leaning in and pecking Kaz's lips.

when he pulled back Kaz's eyes opened and he made eye contact with Chase again.

this time Kaz leaned in he had more experience with kissing than Chase did and more confidence in his actions.

he pressed his lips to Chase's and their eyes drifted shut again.

Kaz placed his hands on Chase's face and Chase's hands were on his forearms.

Chase was mostly following Kaz's lead as they kissed.

he hoped he was doing it right but all he really knew is that it felt right.

Kaz slowly pulled away placing one last soft kiss on Chase's lips.

his hands remaining on Chase's face, thumb now caressing his cheekbone.

Chase smiled at him and he smiled back.

both of their hearts beating quickly now.

"holy shit." was all Kaz could say, still staring into Chase's eyes.

that startled a laugh from Chase "I hadn't really kissed anyone before so I'm sorry if it wasn't what you anticipated."

Kaz's loving expression turned to shock "wait that was your first kiss?" he asked and Chase nodded.

Kaz was quiet for a moment processing that information.

he smiled before leaning in again.

the kiss never became heated, remaining soft and loving the entire time.

"I like you, a lot" Chase mumbled against Kaz's lips between kisses.

Kaz pulled away with a huge smile "I like you a lot a lot!" he said happily leaning forward to press multiple kisses to Chase's face making him laugh.

Kaz practically tackled Chase onto his bed peppering kisses all over his face with dramatic "mwah!" sound effects as Chase laughed turning his head to the side trying to escape the unrelenting kisses.

Chaz oneshots&lt;3 (chase davenport x Kazimieras)Where stories live. Discover now