♡Kaz being a good bf♡

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for context this is the first time Chase's has had his period since they started dating (Chase is already out to Kaz also Chase is feeling dysphoric but no trigger warnings) (he's trans obviously and I'm also trans and kinda projecting onto him most of the time so enjoy lmao)

Kaz had just woke up and was getting out of bed when he looked over to Chase's capsule and he was in a fetal position sitting in his capsule with his arms around his knees and his head rested on them.

he quickly stood up and walked to his capsule concerned.

he tapped on the door knowing that Chase would hear it even though his capsule is sound proof.

"silly? are you okay?" Chase raised his head to look at him for a moment before reaching up and pushing the capsules door open.

Kaz stepped back and pulled the door open completely "what's wrong?" he sat down on the floor in front of Chase's capsule looking at him.

Chase dropped his head back down obviously avoiding the question.

"smarties, what's wrong?" Kaz repeated the question.

Chase sighed "you know how when we started dating I told you I'm trans?" Kaz nodded encouraging him to continue.

"...I'm on my period." Chase mumbled.

from previous conversations Kaz knew that Chase's periods make him extremely dysphoric "oh baby, come here." he opened his arms gesturing for Chase to come closer.

he did, sliding forward and leaning against Kaz with his arms wrapped around his abdomen.

Kaz put his arms around him, encasing him in a soft embrace.

"cramps?" Kaz asked, after Chase came out to him he researched menstrual cycles trying to learn anything he would need to know.

Chase nodded against his shoulder.

Kaz increased his body temperature rubbing his hand back and forth across Chase's lower back.

"okay come on pretty boy, it will be way more comfortable on my bed." he said leaning back and putting his hands under Chase's knees that were still raised and pulling him to the edge of his capsule.

he placed his hands under Chase's thighs carefully picking him up and making his way to his bed.

Chase was holding on to him so he shifted his arm from under Chase's thigh to put it around his waist making sure his hold on him was secure before taking his other hand and pulling his blankets down.

he sat Chase down on the bed "lay down smarties, I'll be right back." he said pressing a kiss to Chase's forehead.

he went downstairs and grabbed a cold bottle of water and midol before going back upstairs.

"I'm back." he walked over to the bed placing the water bottle on his nightstand, opening the bottle of midol before reaching for the water and opening it "here, take this."

Chase sat up and reached for it taking the midol without asking what it was or scanning it, he trusts Kaz.

Chase laid back down after taking the midol and giving the water back to Kaz.

Kaz closed the water and put it back on the nightstand and laid down behind Chase pulling him close.

he increased his body temperature once again placing his arm over Chase's waist.

"can I uh...can I put my hand under your shirt? not in a weird way I swear, I just thought heat might help with the cramps."

Chase laughed quietly "yeah, you can." Kaz slid his hand under Chase's shirt, placing it over his abdomen.

"do you want to sleep? you can and if the old bitch bothers you I'll light his hair on fire."

that Chase off guard and he laughed loudly unintentionally before taking a deep breath "unfortunately you can't do that." he placed his hand over Kaz's.

"seriously, you look tired get some sleep." he pressed a kiss to Chase's shoulder.

"I'm not tired." Chase mumbled right before yawning "...yeah okay maybe I'll sleep."

Kaz laughed pulling Chase closer and pulling the blanket over them before they both drifted off to sleep.

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