slow dancing in the rain<3

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it's 5:57 AM and I wrote this instead of sleeping lmao (I am so sorry if there are typos or shit like that but I don't have the energy to read over it to check for typos and idek if this one makes sense or if this is a load of bullshit but enjoy ig 💀)


it was 4:35 AM and Kaz couldn't sleep.

he shifted multiple times trying not to disturb the sleeping boy beside him but he couldn't fall asleep.

he checked the time on his phone before rolling back towards Chase.

" awake?" he asked quietly but ultimately got no response so he just rested his arm on Chase's waist and pulled him closer pressing his face onto his shoulder.

the movement woke Chase who's eyes slowly opened before taking in his surroundings tiredly "Kaz?" he yawned.

"did I wake you up? sorry I didn't mean to." Kaz quickly apologized, he knows Chase doesn't get much rest anyway so immediately felt guilty.

Chase turned his body to face him "you don't have to apologize for waking me, why are you still up?"

"I don't know, I just couldn't fall asleep." he said, resting his forehead against Chase's and closing his eyes.

Chase wrapped his arms around Kaz cuddling closer to him.

Kaz glanced over his shoulder at the window in their room.

light from the moon illuminated the room with a soft glow and it was raining.

"smarties, we should go dance in the rain." Chase raised his head to look at him with his eyebrows furrowed "Kaz it's almost 5:00 AM."

"I know, come on let's go dance in the rain." he said shifting to be sitting instead of laying and then reaching for Chase to pull him to a sitting position as well.

Chase made eye contact with him with a moment before sighing "yeah, okay." he slid off of the bed looking at Kaz expectantly.

Kaz was surprised that he actually agreed and quickly got off of the bed before he changed his mind.

he grabbed Chase's hand leading him out of the shared room and down the staircase.

it was a gentle rain and neither of them really had a problem with it so Chase allowed Kaz to lead him onto the terrace.

Chase looked at Kaz, both of them in their pajamas standing in the rain at an absurd hour but he wouldn't have it any other way.

Kaz held his hand out to him "shall we?" he said winking dramatically.

Chase laughed, placing his hand in Kaz's "I don't know how to slow dance if that's what you're going for."

"neither do I but we're gonna figure it out." he smiled pulling Chase close, not really knowing where to put his hands or what he was doing so he ultimately just wrapped his arms around his waist in a hug slowly moving them back and forth.

they were smiling at eachother rocking back and forth until Kaz pulled his arms away, grabbing Chase's hand attempting to spin him.

"what the hell are you doing?" Chase laughed "I'm spinning you, duh."

Chase humored him, spinning but almost slipping in the process making them both laugh loudly as he held onto Kaz tightly.

their clothes were soaked at this point but neither of them cared they were too enthralled by eachother to pay it any mind.

they stayed there swaying back and forth while holding eachother before Kaz yawned suddenly and Chase smiled at him "we should probably go back inside and get some sleep." he whispered.

Kaz quickly agreed, sleeping sounded nice to him now.

they went back inside and made their way upstairs, they got back to the shared room where Oliver was still sleeping.

Kaz went to his dresser pulling out dry clothes for both of them, tossing them to Chase allowing him to go Change first.

Kaz has fire powers so he wasn't cold anyway.

he did go to the closet, pulling out another blanket, throwing it onto his bed however.

Chase returned allowing Kaz to now go into the restroom and change into the dry clothes.

when he returned Chase had just finished drying his own hair "come here." he motioned for Kaz to sit beside him.

Kaz sat down on the bed beside of him and Chase reached over drying his hair with the towel.

once he was done he used his molecular kinesis to put the towel in the bin they had for dirty laundry.

Chase stood up pulling the blankets down and climbing into the bed, Kaz following soon after.

he pulled Chase close and Chase's hands went to his damp hair, running his fingers through it.

Kaz's eye's drifted shut "goodnight silly, I love you." he mumbled.

"it's not nighttime...but goodnight pretty, I love you." Chase whispered back as his eyes drifted shut as well.

they slept peacefully in eachothers warm embrace.

Chaz oneshots&lt;3 (chase davenport x Kazimieras)Where stories live. Discover now