holding hands<3

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I was going to try to update this consistently but my mental health is shit and I have no motivation lmao but I wrote this so it's something I guess (I haven't checked for typos or anything so if there are any my bad man also no trigger warnings for this chapter)

it was late at night and they we're walking back to the penthouse, returning from a date.

it was mid October so the air was rather cold especially with the breeze that was ever present.

Chase was rambling about outer space as they walked, pointing out where planets would be located and constellations he had memorized even though they weren't visible because of the city lights.

Kaz was listening intently but his gaze kept drifting from the night sky to Chase.

a strong gust of wind hit them causing Chase to shiver.

yes he's bionic which means that his body should be more resilient when it comes to the elements but he also has super senses which affect more than just his hearing so his theory was that it kind of canceled out.

Kaz noticed and he would have offered Chase his jacket but the issue is ever since he got his powers his body temperature has been heightened so he no longer wears jackets as consistently as he did when it was cold.

"you're cold?" Kaz himself couldn't tell if that was a question or a statement.

Chase nodded sheepishly "it's pretty cold tonight." he said rubbing his hands together, his hands felt like they were freezing and he knew the friction would help warm them, at least a little.

Kaz was now staring at Chase's hand, he had moved his arms back to their original position.

he hesitantly reached over, grasping Chase's hand in his own.

Chase almost tripped over his own feet quickly glancing over to Kaz before looking at their hands.

"I thought it would help..ya know since I'm warm, if you're uncomfortable just tell me." Kaz said quickly not really knowing if the reaction Chase had was positive or negative.

Chase recovered quickly and gently squeezed Kaz's hand.

a huge smile appeared on Kaz's hand and he squeezed Chase's hand in return "come on, let's go home." he said as he started walking again, Chase quickly following.

they continued walking back, holding hands the entire time.

they both had giddy smiles on their faces and fluttering feelings in their stomachs as they reached the penthouse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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