Chapter 1: Death

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On a snowy day at Academy City, the most advanced city in the world. Under the special criminal Adult correctional facility, inside a room about the size of a school classroom, with overhead fluorescent lights and with no windows. Although the room was supposed to be a prison, it didn't look like one. The room was filled with numerous luxury items, including a king-size bed, a leather chair, a large ebony desk with a computer and tablet, a clothing closet, a microwave and fridge, bookshelves with specialty books and strange artwork, an ornate tea set with a selection of tea leaves from around the world, a home theater with a big screen television hanging on the wall and a vacuum tube audio system, and a phone on the wall.

All this was done to host the strongest esper of academy city, otherwise known as Accelerator.

Accelerator was a boy with white hair, red eyes, and a skinny body. He was also the board chairman of the city.

Lying on the bed with the TV remote in hand, Accelerator switched on the television and perused the news, bemoaning the dire state of the city.

"Can a day pass without anything happening" says Accelerator in a rather annoyed tone.

He rose from his bed, his body tense and stiff. He slowly walked towards the fridge. Once there, he reached out and grabbed a can of black coffee, his fingers trembling slightly from the cold as he did so. He turned around and began to make his way back to his bed. As he walked, he limped slightly, favoring one leg over the other as he was walking without using his cane. Finally, he reached his bed and sat down heavily, a look of exhaustion on his face. He carefully opened the can of coffee and took a long sip, the bitter liquid warming him from the inside out.
Apparently the advanced fridge also had a compartment for heating drinks. He closed his eyes and sighed, feeling the caffeine begin to course through his veins. Despite his weariness, he knew that he had a long day ahead of him, and he needed all the energy he could get.

As he was done with his coffee he brought out his phone, not to do something unproductive like playing games or watching shorts or reels like every teen would do.
He pulled up the news section on his phone to get updated on the latest information. He could have simply trusted the news from the tv, but he knows that the media can be manipulated way easily in a city full of crimes.
His phone, being a special one , had reliable information over all the topics inside the city. With a furrowed brow and a determined expression, he read through the articles, absorbing every detail and analyzing every piece of information with a critical eye.

After doing that for about an hour he rubbed his eyes with one hand while the other hand was reaching out to his choker.

"Huh" he let out a grunt.
"There seems to be some kind of interference with the misaka network" he thinks.

He tries to check for some information regarding the network on his phone but his phone slipped from his hand and fell on the floor.
As he tried to reach it he suddenly felt weak, and uncomfortable, as he started breathing heavily, cold sweat dripping from his face, the discomfort around his chest made his gasp for air as he fell backwards on the bed. He weakly called out "qli.." but his voice did not come out.
Due to some interference in the network his speaking ability was disturbed.
He held his chest while trying to endure the horrendous pain in his chest.

After a few minutes, the pain in his chest started disappearing, but with it the little light that he had in his eyes too were dulling out. His damaged brain couldn't process the pain, as the network malfunctioned, he was left alone.
His body was cold yet deep inside he felt warm.

"Is this how I'll go huh....." He thought as he slowly lost all the light in his eyes.

His brain not complying with him, tries to find something in his memories to help him.
Yet all he sees is the face of a little girl, a little girl with a bright smile, smiling at him.
But as time passed he felt that the girl was getting farther from him.
He was powerless, he couldn't even stretch his arms to reach her.

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