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REINA CÉLIA AMARAL REYES  was born on November 18th, 1997 in São Paulo, Brazil to parents Davi Amaral and Marina Reyes. She was the second Amaral-Reyes child, the first being her older brother of three years, Adrian. 

When Reina would reminisce her childhood, it felt like a film reel to her, each slide flicking by. Each happy memory would bring her right back to where she was as a child. She remembered watching soccer matches all together, huddled up on the couch with thick, warm blankets. She remembered how her parents used to make games out of learning when she and Adrian did not want to learn their Portuguese and Spanish. The winner would pick dinner. Reina won her first match when she was six, and chose her mother's Gazpacho. 

But things did not last that way. Davi became busier as his company began to take off, designing and supplying car parts across the world. He was home less and less, working later and later hours. Adrian, while starting college, began to work at the family business, quickly rising through the ranks.

Reina had no interest in the company, however. From casually taking pictures to document hang-outs with friends to snapping shots of landscapes on walks, she found a passion for photography instead. Everything, she believed, had an inherent importance that could be revealed through a camera lens, much like organisms under a microscope lens. Some things may need a closer look, but beauty was in everything.

However, this endeavor would amount to nothing more than a hobby in Davi's eyes; he and Reina spent many nights arguing. While he urged her to start working at his manufacturing company, Reina would instead set out to the library to read books on photography. One day, the argument grew so heated that at age 18, Reina packed her bags, withdrew all of her saved money, and used everything she had to move into a tiny, cramped apartment in New York. There was enough space for a pull-out couch and a single portable stove. The bathrooms were shared with other tenants in the building. Despite the suffocating nature of her new home, Reina never felt so free.

Even after her father apologized, Reina refused to come home, determined to make it on her own. She, in a foreign country, found a way to eat and live by working at a print shop at the same time as apprenticing the shop owner, who had a knack for photography. Soon enough, Reina was able to create her own portfolio of work and establish a career as a full-time photographer.

It wasn't until Reina was 22 that her father fell ill. She moved back home to São Paulo to take care of him, and upon his sharp decline and eventual passing, the family moved to Spain, her mother's birth country. Adrian, however, a year after, moved to Italy to expand the family company's operations across Europe. In fact, the company's products were so successful that it was bought out by Ferrari and Adrian was hired as a car designer.

Reina continued working as a photographer, now based in Madrid, taking pictures for major magazines and news sources, as well as working as a hired photographer for events. She was glad that her talents ended up coming to fruition through her own hard work.

Now, at age 25? 

Well, things weren't quite as bright as they used to be.


IT WAS SEVEN in the morning when Reina woke. The phone rang with such a loud pestilence that despite her throwing it against the wall, it would not stop.

"Hello?" Reina groaned into the speaker, laying on the floor.

"Feliz año nuevo, Reina," responded the voice. (Happy New Year, Reina)

Reina grunted. "Adrian. Tienes alguna idea de qué hora es, estúpido?" (Do you have any idea what time it is, idiot?)

"Sí, son las siete," responded her brother. He mocked, "Wakey, wakey, Reinita." (Yes, it's seven)

"No one wakes up this early, cabrón," replied Reina (bastard). She could almost imagine the smug look on his face.

Adrian scoffed. "You're just lazy, I'm afraid."

"Qué quieres de mí?" asked Reina. (What do you want from me?)

"Wow, I cannot just check to see how my favorite sister is doing on New Year's Day?" asked Adrian, feigning offense.

Reina rolled her eyes. "You know how I'm doing, Adrian. Bad."

Reina was a photographer, and a damn good one, if she said so herself. But amidst the pandemic, no one was looking to take pictures when they were more concerned about putting food on the table or simply surviving. For the last few months, Reina's savings saw a steady decrease as rent payments became more difficult to meet.

"Well, believe it or not, I was calling about that. As your loving older brother, I have found a solution," said Adrian. Pausing for suspense, he continued. "I was at work, helping with the new car range when I saw my friend in the Scuderia."

"The what?" asked Reina.

"The Scuderia. The Formula One team."

"Right," said Reina. She remembered a few faces from the Scuderia, as her brother brought her to a party once. 

"Do you remember my friend, Carlos?"

"The... erm... the driver? From Monaco?" responded Reina.

"No, that's Charles. Carlos is the other driver."

"Oh, right." She ever so vaguely the outline of his face, although the memory was muddied from the tequila that night. Oh, Ibiza.

"Yes. Well, I don't even remember how this came up, I found out the head photographer for his team is retiring. I asked them if they'd hired a replacement yet, and he said he wasn't sure. I pulled a few strings, sent your portfolio in, and... they'd like to interview you for the job."

Reina paused. "I... Adrian, thank you, but you know I don't like handouts. I can figure this out on my own."

Adrian responded, "Trust me, I know you don't like handouts. But you need the job, and we need a good photographer."

Perhaps it was still rebellious spirit from her teen years, or perhaps it was just sheer stubbornness, but now, at age 25, Reina was still determined to make it on her own.

"Adrian. Gracias, pero no. I won't." (Thank you, but no)

"Well, I already told them you would be there for the interview. So at least go to the interview, please? For me?"

"I don't know, Adrian..."

"Reina..." said Adrian, exasperated. "I am doing this not because I don't think you're capable on your own, but because I love you and I want to help you."

Reina groaned, still somewhat asleep. "Fine. When and where?"

"In three days. Italy, at Ferrari SpA headquarters."

"ITALY?" exclaimed Reina, now fully awake and sitting up. "Oh, you idiot."

"Well, obviously it would be in Italy, Ferrari is ran by a bunch of Italians, estúpida," retorted Adrian. (stupid)

"How will I afford the ticket to Italy?" asked Reina incredulously.

Adrian responded, "I already bought it. De nada." (You're welcome)

Reina rolled her eyes, although inwardly appreciative of her brother.

"I'll pick you up at the airport. You can stay with me, in my spare bedroom," continued Adrian. "I think you will get the job... I mean, others have applied, but come on, I mean, I could take a better picture of my ass with a printer scanner than some of them..."

"Okay," said Reina, "I think our conversation is done here. Te hablo más tarde." (I'll talk to you later)

"Okay. Adiós, Reinita."

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