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JUNE 2021

REINA SUPPOSED THAT beyond Carlos, the best thing about her job was all the places she visited. She had never been to Baku before, and felt excited to go. 

Just two weeks prior, the Monaco Grand Prix weekend had ended. Of course, by the time Reina landed back in Italy, everybody had heard about her relationship with Carlos. This led to a grueling session with a team of HR representatives, signing page after page of NDAs and a variety of other forms. As Reina signed her sixth paper, she recalled Carlos giving her a look as if to say, 'I'm sorry.' 

In all fairness, with anybody else, Reina would not have to disclose her entire relationship to a group of middle-aged Italian men and women, and swear by contract to never spill any secrets about her boyfriend's work. But Carlos was not anybody else—he was well worth it.

After that, Reina had to deal with her very confused brother, who did not understand that the Spain afterparty incident was a misunderstanding. It took a great deal of explaining to calm Adrian down, but eventually, Reina got him to understand. But, Adrian also had taken the time to call their mother and tell her everything behind Reina's back a week ago, so Reina sat and watched as Adrian pitifully admitted over the phone to their mother that Carlos was indeed not the devil's reincarnate.

Sofia also heard about the new relationship, and she too needed a lengthy explanation. 

"Dile a Carlos que me disculpo por tirarle mi bebida," said a regretful Sofia over the phone. (Tell Carlos I'm sorry for throwing my drink at him)

Reina laughed. "No te preocupes, él entiende." (Don't worry, he understands)

Finally, the dust had settled, and Reina was comfortably in her new relationship. But unfortunately, not all people could be as wonderful as Carlos.

In her office, packing up her laptop and camera for Baku, in strolled a man without knocking.

"So, I hear that you dating Sainz," said a nasally voice.

Reina looked up, frowning. "Can I help you with something?"

Marcello stood there, with his hands up in mock surrender. "Can a man not ask a question?"

"I don't know, I don't see any men here," scoffed Reina. "Nor did I hear any questions."

"Alright. Whatever," Marcello replied, rolling his eyes. "I just wanted to come by. See how things were."

"Why do you care?" asked Reina, raising her eyebrow.

Marcello sighed, scratching his eyebrow. "Look... I... I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. For breaking your camera. I was going to offer to replace it but—" he pointed to Reina's camera bag, "it's already replaced."

Reina was shocked. Was Marcello... human? She responded, "You do realize that you broke my camera lens, like, a month ago, right? Did you expect me to not replace it for this entire time?"

Marcello smirked. "Kinda. You were acting like you didn't have the money."

"My money is none of your business." Reina crossed her arms. So he was human, but still a dick. "Also, hot tip—try not to look like it's causing you agonizing pain to apologize the next time you say 'sorry' to someone."

Marcello gave a short laugh. "Yes, ma'am." And with that, he turned and left.

Reina was left confused, slowly and mindlessly packing up her things as she replayed the conversation in her head. Did he want something? Or did he really just want to apologize?

Nevertheless, Reina had a jet to catch. She called a taxi, bid Luca goodbye (who was not accompanying her to Baku), and left the headquarters.

She was taken to a small landing area where a private jet stood waiting. Carlos and Charles always flew by jet, and as a WAG, Reina got to tag along.

Standing at the base of the plane's steps, Carlos poked his head out of the cabin door. 

"Rey," he said, smiling. He bounded down the steps and took her bag. Motioning up the staircase, he said, "After you."

Reina grinned, giving a mock curtsy. "Why, thank you."

Inside the plane, Charles too was waiting, as well as a few of their team members. After exchanging hellos, the jet taxied and took off from the runway. 

Reina never had so much leg space on a plane—she soaked up every moment of her first private jet experience. She was amazed by the chairs so large they looked like couches, and the stunning view out of the window. But sadly, the jet eventually landed in Azerbaijan, and her thrilling ride came to an end.

A car was waiting to everybody to the hotel. The hotel, as always, was beautiful, courtesy of Ferrari. Carlos helped carry Reina's bags to her room before heading off to his own.

"Thank you," Reina said, giving Carlos a kiss on his cheek as he set down her duffel on her bed.

"You're welcome, beautiful," smiled Carlos.

Reina watched him leave to go set his own things down, assured that she would see him later. Once he was out of sight, she threw herself onto her bed, sighing.

What a life.



silverstone has had some absolutely outstanding results so far!! williams has really stepped up and im hoping that carlos is able to repeat his victory :)

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