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APRIL 2021

REINA HAD TO call Lucia to explain that she would not be able to take many pictures and that her camera was broken. Reina agreed to use an old spare that they brought, but couldn't make any guarantees about how the finished pictures would look.

"You need to be more careful, Ms. Amaral," Lucia scolded over the phone.

Reina decided not to tell her what had happened, only that her camera bag was 'left unzipped' and that it broke. "Yes, ma'am," Reina sighed.

That morning, the garages and paddock were bustling with movement as teams prepared for the first free practice. While Marcello, still yet to apologize, went around the garage, photographing the action, Reina was wrestling with the absolute monstrosity of a backup camera they brought.

As the camera refused to worth for the eleventh time, Reina groaned, smacking it out of frustration. "Please, work!" she begged.

"Are we talking to objects now?" asked Carlos, approaching Reina in the garage.

Reina scoffed. "Ha, ha. No, this stupid piece of crap won't work."

"What happened?" asked Carlos, raising his eyebrow.

Reina replied, defeated. "My camera lens got broken yesterday and I can't really replace it. I'm having to use a backup, but it's not really cooperating. I think I might need to sit these races out until I can get a replacement lens."

Carlos frowned. "Why can't you get a replacement? Are they out?"

"I, um..." said Reina, scratching her forehead. "I can't really afford it, at the moment."

"Oh, I didn't mean to make you... Sorry," said Carlos awkwardly.

Reina shook her head. "No, no. It's okay. I'm just disappointed I won't be able to take pictures of you guys for a while."

Then, Mattia beckoned Carlos over, likely to discuss strategies.

Carlos, with a slightly disappointed look on his face, said, "Sorry. I'll talk to you later. I hope the camera works."

Reina nodded, and said goodbye, before going back to attempt to fix the camera.

Her efforts were of no avail; she managed to only take a handful pictures throughout the entire duration of the day, which included free practice one and two, and a press conference.

That night, after work, Reina was beyond frustrated and angry. In her hotel room, she immediately changed into her pajamas and flopped onto her bed. She let out a guttural scream into the pillow.

Then, a knock at the door sounded not even a minute after Reina laid down.

"Qué coño?" Reina groaned. "No pedí el servicio de habitaciones." (What the fuck? I didn't order room service) All she wanted was peace and quiet to devise a new budget to buy a camera lens.

Reina swung open the door, muttering curses under her breath.

"Bad time?" asked a familiar face.

"What are you doing here?" asked Reina, puzzled.

Carlos shrugged. "You know. Just thought I'd stop by."

Reina raised a brow. "Right."

Then, from behind his back, he pulled out a small bag. "Oh, right. And to give you this."

"What's this?" she asked, taking the bag from him.

"Open it," he prompted.

Reina stepped aside to let Carlos in. He sat down on the couch and she sat on the foot of her bed. She then pulled out a box from the bag, and she immediately knew what it was.

"How... what..." she stuttered, unable to form full phrases. The box contained a new camera lens, the one that Reina so desperately needed yet couldn't afford. "I... Carlos, thank you, but I can't accept this!"

He shrugged. "Why not?"

"Carlos, this is too expensive! It costs thousands of euros!" exclaimed Reina. "Are you crazy?"

"Maybe," he replied, smiling. "But you must accept it. For me. Charles and I cannot stand only being around Marcello all day."

Reina shook her head. "Carlos... I can't. I really, truly appreciate it, but I could never accept something like this from anyone without feeling like I'll be in debt forever. I mean, how did you even know to get this specific lens?"

"Well, I saw that assistant who helps you out. The one with the red hair."


"Yes, him," continued Carlos. "I asked him what it was that broke. He told me, and then I sent out my assistant to go buy it earlier."

Reina was awestruck. She had never felt so cared for, had so much attention devoted to her. "Oh, wow..." she whispered.

"So please, just take it. Don't make my assistant go all the way back to return it," urged Carlos.

Reina sighed. On one hand, she really disliked handouts, and didn't feel right accepting the lens. But on the other hand, Carlos genuinely seemed to care. Maybe it was time to put aside her pride and accept help.

"Okay," said Reina quietly. She looked at him earnestly. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," said Carlos, giving her an uneven grin.

Reina got up, walked over to the couch, kissed his cheek, and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a tight squeeze. "I promise I'll pay back every bit," she said.

Initially stunned at the hug, he froze. His hand grazed his cheek where her lips just planted a kiss. But, he realized what was happening. He stood up, giving her a proper embrace instead. While he kept his composure on the outside, inwardly, Carlos felt a million fireworks exploding.

Finally, the two let go. "No need to pay me back," said Carlos. "That's what a gift is."

"I want to pay you back eventually. Please."

Realizing he was fighting a losing battle, he nodded. "Okay," he agreed, although having no intention of ever actually collecting the money.

Carlos, although not wanting to leave, felt he was overstaying his welcome. He headed to the door and opened it. "Goodnight, Rey."

"Goodnight, Carlos," replied Reina. She watched him walk down the hall and turn out of sight, sighing. 



you guys!!! i blink and its another milestone ❤️ 4k reads is so amazing thank you to each and every one of you guys who comes back to read another chapter

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