10. Javier needs to be in control.

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Javier's PoV

The Man that stared at me a while ago, that was also the teacher of Selam in the coding building, glared at me as if I had done something to him.

It was time to take our pills, and when I glanced down at my palm the message was there. I didn't know who wrote it, or why, but I had this strong feeling telling me to not eat the pills.

So when the man gave it to me, and forced me to swallow it while also wanting to inspect and make sure that I swallowed it, I simply swallowed it and tightened my throat so it wouldn't slide down.

When I walked away, I made eye contact with someone who had blond curls and hazel eyes. I broke the eye contact and walked away. But I felt a hand grip my forearm.

I slowly turn around and glare at the guy that grabbed me without a reason. My eyes flicker down to his hand, and then to his eyes.

But he didn't let me go, he simply had an amused expression on his face. I didn't what kind of expression I had but it was making this pack of noodles grin.

I yank my arm off, and step towards him so I'm looking down to meet his eyes, as he's 2cm shorter than I was, 176.

My voice sounds like I'm mumbling but that's because of the pill I'm trying to stop from sliding down, "What."

He simply shrugs and grins as if something is amusing, "..Nothing. You know who Kojo is?"

I answer short, "Yes."

His jaw clenches, "Stay away from her."

It's my turn to smirk as if I just cracked the biggest code ever, "..Why? Because your little love life isn't going well, you have to tell others to back off?"

His eyes widen as if he just had an epiphany. I take this chance and grip his hand and rip it away from my forearm, "Approach me again for such childish reasons and I'll break this same hand you used to touch something that's worth more than your pathetic little one sided love."

I shove him and glare at him before walking away.

Crazy fucks everywhere I go.


Brian's PoV

We're not safe here.

We're not safe here.

We will all die if we don't follow what the teachers say.

The headmaster is strange.

The headmaster is crazy.

I can't trust them anymore.

They all hurt me. They assaulted me, the teachers are not who they say they are.


I blink several times, and watch as Javier leaves.

What did he say?

He really said that to me?

Why does Kojo speak so fond of him? Mexican hottie my ass, why did she nod towards Yanli's words.

Why are people freaking out because of him? He's rude and disrespectful.

I had every right to say that, he doesn't deserve anything.

I cannot be rude.

I can't be a bad person.

But Javier shouldn't get to have Kojo's attention so easily. I've done everything I can do to put a smile on her face, and he does it because people speak of him?

And on top of that he has abilities?

Kojo doesn't belong to me. She belongs to no one. But I want her. I only want her.

Am I obsessed with Kojo? No..

No I'm not.

Kojo is perfection. She accepts me for who I am.

I'm not delusion, I only want Kojo.

I hate that guy.

I don't know him nor do I plan to get to know him. But.. I'm envious.

When I first came here four years ago along with Maryam and Elena, Kojo came the same year as I did, she was 18 then and I 15.

I liked her since I was 17.

Everyday, I cry. I cry because I know Kojo won't notice me.

I want her to notice me. But I can't force it.
I don't want to hate Javier.

But I'm just.. I'm envious. Kojo seemed like she was fond of him, I heard her, in the photography building.

She nodded. But, it was enough.

She even spoke to him and helped him before she spoke to me, I saw it.

Why won't I get that attention?

Kojo only knows ..me, she knows that I'm Brian, a skinny straight British nine teen year old Male, who is an asexual catholic.

She didn't know that I was... Well that people knew and told me that I was bold, disrespectful, cheeky, rude, and petty.

I was.. I was only like that because the world failed me.

I was always assaulted, I was always hated, and I always tried to take my life.

I didn't mean to be like this. But I couldn't help it, over the years I started to change and act differently as a way to escape my reality and protect myself from people and things that could hurt me.

Kojo was the only one that knew that I was lying but she pretended that she didn't know anything .

She was the only one who never said those things, the only one who didn't hurt me, and the only one who'd stay by my side, along with Viraj.

Maybe that's why I think.. I need Kojo.

But I knew it wouldn't be so easy.


Javier left and as soon as he left, thoughts filled my head.

Was I.. assaulted?


What am I thinking about.


Third persons PoV

Sir Schneider, or the man, knew what was going on. He knew that Javier was somehow influencing everyone to remember things unknowingly.

He himself had remembered things, but he didn't know that it was because of his ability.

Sir Schneider knew that if Javier didn't learn how to control his abilities sooner, then everyone who stared at him would remember.

He knew that he needed to consult the headmaster.

And that they needed to force some huge changes on Javier, changes that would stop him from remembering his own memories.

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