19. Upcoming Mysterious.

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After brushing my teeth, and dressing up, I ate. Maryam left because it was 7pm. After she left the headmaster spoke through the speakers, "All students head to the Cafeteria."

To give us the pills. I knew it was the headmaster because Selam told me that when he overhead Sir Schneider speaking to someone, that someone sounded exactly like the person speaking through the Speakers.

So it would make sense that that's the headmaster. But it's weird, no one knows anything about the headmaster, is it a woman, or a man? How did they look like, why did they hide themselves? They must be aware of the experiments. It was really strange. And I was dying to know more about this school. But there's NO books on the School's history.

Opening my door I head towards the Cafeteria. I ask around if anyone knows who Evan is, until I spot Yanli crossing her arms while furrowing her eyebrows.

When she notices me, she grumbles and I approach her, "Hey, have you seen Evan?"

She shortly says, "No, because he's gone."

I raise an eyebrow, "How gone?"

She huffs annoyed, "Walk with me, I'll explain."


We walk towards a path I never used, it leads to a beautiful garden with rose trees.

She explains, "There was once a period where ten or more students would go missing each week, and people thought they got punished."

Punished like in the rules? Maybe they got killed because they remember. That would make sense.

She glances at me suspiciously, "Like that Evan kid."

I pause, "Evan?"

She thoughtfully agrees, "..Yes.. People said he disappeared after he kept checking up on you. Now there's no trace of him, but I suggest you don't speak to this to the teachers."

She lowly mumbles, "Something might happen."

Yeah, no shit. This people are crazy, but it only left me more curious about this school.

Those two men, I haven't seen them since I woke up from my coma. Was there some kind of secret hideout they were at? And if this was some kind of fake world? How do we leave? Was there some barrier that wouldn't let us get past where-ever we are?

Yanli snaps me out of my thoughts, "We have to go eat the pills."

She walks past me but I grab her wrist and pull her towards me, her chest hitting mine strongly, but I hold her steady with my hand on her waist, she looks shocked and weirded out, "don't eat the pills."

I whisper, "You know what my abilities are, right? That means I know everything I want to know. Don't eat the pills, please Yanli."

I continue despite her baffled expression, "If you manage to not swallow it, go to Selam and I."

I let her go, and she looks at me weirdly before walking away. That's when I spot A strange Man walking into the woods, he's wearing white with a mask.

Mmh. One of the two men? I would follow him but that would be against the rules since it was time to go to our rooms for the day. They treat us as kids. But I wouldn't be able to follow him anyways because the girls' Guard, miss Kim, was staring at me.

Looking at her, I see a scene in front of her, bloody kids on the floor and she grins. Blinking I lose my composure, what the fuck? That was definitely a memory of hers.

I shake my head and sprint towards the cafeteria. When they put the pill in my mouth and inspect my mouth to see if I swallowed it, I glance at Yanli who's looking at me. I shake my head as a signal to not swallow it.

When I see her throat bop, I think she swallows it and I look away, sad that my efforts went to waste.

Looks Like I'll HAVE to speak to Selam after all.

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