18. A bae, and the truth.

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Javier's PoV

I'm not sure how long it has been, but I assume it has been two full days. I was laying on my bed, eventually I started to cry blood due to my unending crying.

And yes, it was possible.

My eyes were so dry with tears and crust, and my body was so weak, my throat was dry and I felt like I was dying. But.. But I just laid on my bed, motionless and emotionless. People were knocking on my door, people that I didn't even know.

Even a sweet young man who's name was Evan Knocked on my door. He told me his name, and he'd stand outside my door whenever he could. He would tell me comforting words, and then he would just leave. It was very sweet of him, that I wanted to get up to just hug him, but I couldn't.

I couldn't get up no matter what I tried. I'd grin then laugh, but then smile sadly and cry. I would hum to myself, and then blankly stare at a point. Most importantly, my stomach would grumble in hunger, and I would long to drink something.

But this was a normal thing for me. I'm not sure what it was, but my mind would just decide to shut down, and I wouldn't be able to do anything. I'm just sick and tired of fighting. I couldn't sleep, it felt like I was paralyzed, like the world was spinning.

Until a knock on my door interrupts me, and an intoxicating high voice was heard, "Javier? Can you open up for me?"

It was Maryam. Why was she here? Was she here for me?

I couldn't answer. But I wanted to.

She continues, "I know you're there. I haven't seen you for two days straight, and others have been really concerned."

She laughs, "A sweet young man named Evan talked to Daniel and Selam-"


I haven't heard or spoke to that Man in two days.

She sputters out quickly, "..He seemed worried, so I decided to come check up on you since it looked like no one cared."

Does the guy admire me or what? But It's nice to know that Maryam is sweet enough to come here.

I speak despite not speaking in two days, my voice is horse and my throat is itchy, "..Spare.. key.. above you."

Yeah. I hung a spare key above the door but it was hidden well (there was a painting there) so you wouldn't guess that it was here.

I hear the keys unlocking the door, and the door is soon opened. I'm welcomed with a fresh but sweet smell. Blinking I notice she has a basket in her grasp, and her warm face makes me wanna smile.

She's wearing a light pink Hijab, covering everything except for her face, and she's wear a long light brown gown that covers her legs, arms, and neck. Her hands are the only part that's exposed.

She waves, her long nails painted white, and her fingers in rings, "Hello.." She sets her basket down on my desk, and she's not even judging me.

She just sits on my bed, and caresses my forehead, "Let's get you cleaned up."

She goes over to my bathroom presumably to run me a bath, and she returns only to help me up. Once I'm in the bathroom, she tells me to undress so I can get in the bath. She leaves announcing that she's gonna prepare the meal she brought for me.

Tiredly undressing myself, I let my body sink in the water and hug my knees.

Maryam knocks on the door, and comes in. Looking at me with a soft gaze, she kneels down and holds my hand, "Hey.. Let me help you. Maybe after eating you can tell me about it?"

I nod. She wipes the tears running down my face, "Bloody, how long have you been crying?"

My horse voice bothers me, "..A long time."

I continue, mumbling "..Selam and I got into a fight."

She smiles knowingly, "Javier, you can't do this to yourself. It's kinda obvious that there's something.. Going on."

She releases my hand to wash my hair, "And, you fought because of Elena?"

I gulp, I don't have the strength to deny anything, "I guess I was Jealous. I don't know why though, but.. Selam and I aren't kids anymore."

She pauses, "Kids?"

"You've known each other since you were kids?"

Biting my lip, I hesitate speaking any further. I want to be honest, Maryam deserves to know that this isn't our home and never will be.

I know my abilities can somehow make suppressed memories Surface. But I'm not used to having powers, I don't know how to do it. But maybe it doesn't have to be so hard. Like last time, I just needed to focus, and I follow anything I sense.

I close my eyes, and I instantly sense an earthy but strong willed feeling, smelling it, feeling it, and seeing it, I open my eyes but I don't see Maryam.

I see darkness. Once again I'm in some kind of void, and places, people, objects fly past me. If I'm correct, those must be the places Maryam has been, the people she has met, spoke to, and seen on the street and the same with the objects.

My intentions are clear, I want to find the most important person, thing or place in her mind place.

Suddenly, a box is in front of me, and when I reach down to open it, it reveals a ring and then a Tall Man with dark brown hair is in front of me, he smiles, "Maryam, my daughter, I'm giving this to you so your future husband can propose to you."

My lips perk up in a smile, that's really adorable. So the most precious thing, or person, would be her father. And his name was, "Omar"

I gasp when Maryam shakes my body, her face full of concern, "Javier, are you okay? Your eyes rolled back."

I sigh, "Maryam, Omar wouldn't want that you forgot about him."

She widens her eyes, "Huh? Omar"

I hear her mumble why that name seems familiar.
I stare at her and slowly say, "Don't eat the pills."

"Do whatever you can to not swallow them, please."

She raises an eyebrow, and blinks several times "But I have to.."

I intertwine our hands, "I know, but for me, don't do it. If you manage not to swallow it, go to Selam and I."

She hums, "Alright."

Brushing her hands with a towel, she says, "Come on."

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