Turn of events

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"I'm sorry but he has a brain tumor"

Yeri said.  To her patient who consulted him.  He dreamed of everything possible to do for the patient to recover, the things he could do to relieve the pain he feels.  After that, Yeri left her office to go to her patients' room.  While she was walking a nurse called him.

"Doc, you are needed in the VIP room," said the Director, said the nurse.

"Ok, I'm going thank you" Yero said and immediately headed to the VIP room.

When he got to the room, he saw a woman crying, while a man calmed her down

"Honey don't worry he will be fine"

"Wh-what if he's sick, what if it's bad.. That can't happen Jeong, I don't want that to happen to my son"

"Uhmm excuse me?"  Yeri's said, and the couple looked at her.

M: Yeri (Mina stood up and approached her) please save my son, I will do anything as long as he gets well..

Y: Mina calm down, let me check him first okay..

Yero approached the unconscious Chae.

  'you really look exactly like him, the experiment didn't really fail' Yeri said to herself, and she continued looking at the unconscious young man, after minutes of checking him it also ended..

Y: we will run some tests on him to find out if he has other illnesses.  But now I think fatigue is the reason why he lost consciousness.  Or stress.  He better get some rest.  Don't worry Mina He's healthy.
You have nothing to worry about, okay?

M: thanks Yeri I really thought he had Cancer--

Y: I don't think there is, but to make it sure we will run some test..is that okay with you?

M:yeah sure just to make him safe is healthy.

Y: so I will go first, I will check him later..

Yeri stepped out of the room, she smirked and felt happy because the project was really a success.


Hanni was there at the hospital but it was better for her to get some fresh air first on the roof deck of the hospital, where there is a garden and chairs.  Hanni feels that Chae's Mom doesn't like her, because of the way she looks at her.  She loves Chae very much and will do everything so that the young man's Mom accepts her..

" Hey I'm just here Hanni okay." a man mentioned, she turned around..

"Min-ji?"  Hanni asked in shock..."W-what are you doing here?!"

"nothing I'm just accompanying my cousin was checking here and luckily I saw you getting on the elevator so I followed you, I got lost but I'm glad I saw you, what are you doing here?"  answered the young man

"Chae was rushed here because she lost consciousness"

"Ohhh... Uhm Hanni about that at---"

"Please Minji let's forget about that, we both didn't mean for something to happen to us, and another thing is that I love Chae very much and I don't want to lose her"

"I've been in lovewith you since we were in high school, no... I love you and I just can't tell you because I don't want to ruin our friendship, until Chae comes into your life, I wish I had just told you that I love you  back then, because the same thing will happen... Ever since he came into your life, you haven't remembered me, we've lost everything, my best friend is gone..."

"I'm sorry Minji. But we made a mistake, we were both drunk."

"Hanni please"

"I'm leaving Minji" Hanni stood up and was about to leave when Minji held her hand, the young man stood up and suspected the girl and kissed her.. the girl closed her eyes..

That time I Was Reincarnated As Your ChildWhere stories live. Discover now