Chapter 1

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"I am so sorry, sir" a girl nervously said. If you listened close enough you might have heard the girl start sobbing.

"You are fired. Get out" a manly voice was heard in the hallway.


"Didn't you hear me? I said leave" the man was becoming impatient now.

< inside the room >

The girl got on her knees "I am so sorry, sir.... Please don't fire me" the poor girl was crying now.

 "I promise this won't happen again" she didn't dare to look up afraid that she will make eye contact with him.

She kept crying while apologizing.

The man got so irritated. 

He squats down to her eye level. He touched the girls chin with his finger and lifted it up for them to make eye contact. 

When the girl finally looks up at him with hope in her eyes, he wipes the tears on her face with his free hand and says "Didn't you hear me? I said leave".

Then they heared a knock on the door and the man stood up.

"Come in"

The door opens "Excuse me for interrupting. I wanted to check if everything's alright". The other man steps into the room fully. He sees the girl crying on her knees in front of the man.

"Right on time, Sedrick" the man walks away from the girl "Show her the way out, please". He looked at the girl one more time.

"Right away, sir" when the other man was ready to help the girl stand up. She froze in place for a second. Then she looked up at the man who stood in front of her "I can leave on my own"

When the girl got up and slowly left the man breathed out soundly.

"I am so tired of them. They come here saying that they can handle this job like it's nothing..." he plopped down on the big comfy looking couch. "...then they mess up. But it's not what's important" he reached for a water bottle on the table.

"...It's the thing that they don't take this job seriously...they are too naive to work in modelling industry or they think that flirting with me will get them a higher spot in the society" he drank the water.

"...Find me a new assistant"

That's how Hwang Hyunjin took away another girl's opportunity to work for him and kept looking for a perfect suiting assistant of his taste. 



It's the first chapter of this book.

I know it's very short but the other ones will be much longer 🤗

See ya in chapter 2 💜


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