Disaster Strikes

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"Good morning! May I have everyone's attention please. Thank you. On behalf on myself and the cast I just want to say that to be given this opportunity to work with you all at the Crystal Tower Theater... Well it's an honor for all of us. I believe that together we can make a show that will take the audience out of this world. Big thanks to Steve who stayed up all night to make this model. Here she is. The star of our show Rosita." Buster says as he begins showing the model to everyone.

"That's you baby!" Gunther shouts happily.

"The lead role?" Rosita asks excitedly.

"Trust me. You are perfect for it." Buster says.

"Wait till my kids hear about this." Rosita says excitedly.

"So the story goes like this. Rosita plays an astronaut who searching for a missing space explorer. Together with her trusty robot." Buster says.

"That's me!" Gunther shouts excitedly.

"Yes they follow the trail across four planets. There's the planet of war, love, despair, and joy. Each planet will have its own spectacular musical number performed by one of our terrific cast." Buster says.

"And how does it end? Do I find the explorer?" Rosita asks.

"Oh yeah-" Gunther then gets cut off by Buster putting his hand on Gunther's mouth.

"Gunther! Whoa. No, no. We do have great ideas... we just... Alright! We've only got three weeks to make this a reality folks. Let's get to work. Johnny you are gonna play an alien warrior in a fantastic battle scene and Alexis will be your princess that you are fighting for in the scene." Buster says.

"Yes." Johnny says happily.

"Suits you pretty good." Alexis says as she smiles at Johnny.

"As does your part." Johnny says happily.

"You're just happy that I'm the princess you're fighting for." Alexis says.

"Just a bit." Johnny says as he smiles.

"Come on Johnny. I'll introduce you to your team mates. Alexis I'll get to you right after." Buster says as he leaves with Johnny.


"So you excited to be getting a lead part like this?" Alexis asks as she is sitting with Johnny.

"Of course. I just can't wait to see you in a dress again. It looked good on you." Johnny says as he smiles.

"Ha ha. Very funny. I don't like dresses and you know that." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Yeah I know but still it did look good on you." Johnny says.

"Maybe. I can tolerate it for a show even if I don't like it." Alexis says as she chuckles slightly.

"Mommy!" Rosita's kids shout as they run into the room with their father Norman.

"Kids you're here!" Rosita says happily as her kids tackle her and the others.

"What are you smiling about?" Johnny asks as he sees Alexis smiling at him as kids crawl all over him.

"Oh nothing." Alexis says as she smiles happily.


"You are gonna look stunning in that dress Alexis." Meena says as Alexis is looking at her dress for the show.

"I guess it's not too bad." Alexis says looking at the light blue dress with light purple and silver accents.

"That guy absolutely hates me." Johnny says angrily as he comes out of a room.

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