Chapter 7 - His Friends Visit

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Title - Secret Second Marriage
Written by Taexzoe

Author Pov
Now that Yn knew about the truth, she started taking care of Jungkook a lot more. She would always check up on him.

She would always make sure that Jungkook had his meals on time or not. She would never let Jungkook sleep without having anything.

-Jungkook Pov
I was having a great sleep while cuddling with the love of my life. But someone decided to disturb it by calling me.

I sat up and took my phone from the night stand. Without checking who was calling I directly attached the phone to my ear.

"On Call"
Jungkook - Hello
I answered in a sleepy tone.

??: Helloooo my kookieeee
Someone yelled from the other side making my ear drum bust.

I yelled.

Jimin: My Jungkookie, Today me Taehyung and the Hyungs will be coming to visit you in evening.
He said in a excited tone.

Jungkook - Wait really??
I asked.

He said and ended the call.

As the call ended I felt two tiny arms wrap around my waist. Her face snuggled in my back.

 Her face snuggled in my back

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Yn - Good Morning.
She said in her soft morning voice. Making my heart melt at her cuteness.

Jungkook - Good morning love.
I said.

Yn - Who were you talking to? You sounded so excited that I woke up hearing your voice.
She asked rubbing her eyes with her tiny hands. I chuckled and turned around facing her.

Jungkook - Jimin Hyung I told you about him right?
I asked, As she nodded and I continued my talk.

Jungkook - Yeah so he is coming to Japan with your brother and our other best friends.
I said as she smiled.

Yn - Omgggg reallyyy I am so excited to meet them.
She said like a small girl and clapped her hands.

-Author Pov
They both had their breakfast and started cleaning the house, like they did the laundry, washed the dishes, dusted and wiped out everything.

Soon the both landed on the couch with a thud sound. As Yn landed on Jungkook.

Yn -I will Go and take a shower real quick and get ready.
She said and left for her room. As Jungkook also left for his room.

-15 Minutes Later
Soon they both came out wearing almost matching outfits. Yn looked at him with a suspicious look. Jungkook laughed nervously.

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