Chapter 18 - I Love You

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Title - Secret Second Marriage
Written by Taexzoe

Author Pov

- 1 Week Later

YN had been meeting with Jungkook in private for the past week. She enjoyed their meetups and every second with her "Jungkook" YN was lying on her bed, feeling very sick. She wanted to see Jungkook but he was busy at work tonight. She felt lonely without him and she wanted to be held and comforted by him but she didn't want to bother him. She was scared about the whole situation and she wanted nothing but to be with Jungkook again. So she just lay there in her bed, waiting patiently for her husband to come home.

YN felt extremely sick and she couldn't believe how terrible she felt right now. She felt dizzy, nauseous and she felt like she was going to throw up. She couldn't think straight and she just wanted to hear Jungkook's voice again. She wanted to call for him and ask him to come and be with her but she didn't want to bother him while he was at work. So she just lay in her bed, trying to get rid of her sickness.

She heard a knock on the door and said "come in" 6 boys entered the room. Jin her brother and his friends Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon.

Her brother's eyes widened in shock seeing her in such state.

Jin - Ynnnn what happened.
He yelled and sat beside her taking her head in his lap.

Yn - Oppa I have fever.
She said.

Jin - Aigoo my baby sister
He said and cupped her face.

YN wiped her nose with her tissue and she felt so small and so taken care of now. She was happy that her brother came to take care of her. The fever and the nausea made her feel weak and dizzy and so she just lay in her brother's lap, feeling safe in his presence. She didn't know what to say to the rest of guys who were looking at her now.

YN felt the need to puke and she quickly ran to the bathroom to try and prevent herself from puking in front of everyone. She was feeling so embarrassed right now and she just wanted to stay in the bathroom even though she knew her sickness would get worse. But she was just so embarrassed to come out. As she was in the bathroom, she tried to calm herself down and she tried to force herself not to puke. She tried to talk herself out of it but her body was feeling weak and nauseous from the fever.

Suddenly the boys heard a "thud" sound from the washroom. They all ran into the washroom.

He screamed his lungs out, seeing his younger sister on the floor.

YN was lying on the floor in the bathroom now after fainting and she felt cold. Jimin pick her up and carried her out of the bathroom to take her to their car. Jimin took her to the hospital real fast so she could get medical help.

Everyone was worried especially Jin was on verge of crying. Jimin laid her on the stretcher, and the nurse took her inside. Her parents arrived and sat out side the room.

Mr.Kim - Jin! Jin! What happened to our Yn?
He came running and breathing heavily.

Mrs.Kim - What happened to my daughter how is she now?
She cried while sitting beside Jin.

Soon the doctors came out as everyone rushed towards him. And bombed him with thousands of questions.

YN was relieved to hear the doctor tell her and her family that it was just dehydration and weakness. She felt happy that she didn't have anything worse than this. She was feeling weak of course but she was glad that was all she needed to get better. She heard the doctor assure her family that she would be fine soon. Now she was sure she had to stay hydrated and take it easy for a while. She felt better now and she couldn't wait to go home and rest now.

- At Night

Yn was sleeping in her room, Jungkook sneak into her room. Jungkook was staring at Yn's body. Jungkook sneak closer to Yn and touch her leg. Yn wakes up and sees Jungkook is touching her leg. Yn screams and try to push Jungkook. Jungkook grabs Yn and put his hand on Yn's mouth

Jungkook - shhhh Yn it's me Jungkook.
He whispered yelled.

Jungkook - I just want to talk to you.
He says and takes his hand off Yn's mouth.

Yn - Jungkook! I want to tell you something too thank you so much for coming!
She cried out.

Jungkook - What's wrong Yn-ah are you ok? What's happening?
He asked being very concerned for his wife.

Yn - No I Jungkook I am not!
She sobbed.

Jungkook - What happened Yn? Are you in trouble?
He asked looking at her with concerned eyes. He wanted to know what is troubling her. And why is she looking so pale today.

Yn - Jungkook I am sick and tired please take me with you we are husband and wife why are you hiding and from whom are you hiding please.
She cried in his arms.

Jungkook - Hun, don't worry, we will not be hiding from anyone, if anyone tries to get in our path, we will walk straight ahead and not care about it, okay? I will take you wherever you want, don't worry, everything will be fine, trust me, okay dear?
He said trying his best to comfort her.

Yn - But when koo? My parents are gonna marry me off to someone else if you don't show up at our house tomorrow. Everyone is thinking that you are dead, because the day we got married since that day till today there is no trace of you.
She cried more snuggling in his neck.

Jungkook - Just give me one more day hun, just one day, and then we shall go to your house and face your parents, trust me, tomorrow morning, I shall be at your house as early as I can, and I will handle the situation, okay?
He said while creasing her hair.

Yn - Promise?
She asked like a small kid making him giggle at her cute reaction.

Jungkook - Yes, I promise, I won't let your marriage take place without my attendance, okay? Just give me one more day.
He said.

Yn - So you will let me marry other man?
She asked making him shook his head.

Jungkook - No, of course not, hun, like I said, I will be at your house very early, and I will stop your marriage, and I will not let you marry anyone else but me, I'm taking care of it, okay? Just please trust me, I got this, alright?
He said. Even though he was scared of coming out tomorrow but he had to, to save his wife.

Yn - Hm now cuddle me
She said pouting.

Jungkook - Of course hun.
He said and cuddles her tightly, as he strokes her hair and kisses her forehead.

Thank you so much for reading 💐
Taexzoe <3 !

- Please comment and Vote that gives me motivation to post sooner !

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