Chapter 9 - He proposed Her

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Title - Secret Second Marriage
Written by Taexzoe

Author Pov
The past weeks very hectic for the couple as Jungkook had a lot of work load recently. On top of that Moon was bugging Jungkook a lot recently too.

Yn was really bored these days so she started looking up for some job online and she finally found one.

Yn - Omo finally got one and this one pays 9.8k hundred thousand what more do I even want?
She said to herself excited and dailed the number given below.

-On Call
??: Hello, Kang Yeri here from H.B Enterprise how may I help you.

Yn - Hi, Kim Yn here I was your company advertisement online that you guys need a employee for P.A.

Yeri: Oh yes ma'am please come tomorrow for the interview at xxx H.B Enterprise street number 19 Block 1.

Yn - Okay and what should I bring with myself?

Yeri - Ma'am just bring a resume and degree certificates and the other certificates and documents you can email us.

Yn - Okay and at what time should I be there?

Yeri - The interview session will start from 9am to 11:30am and by any chance if you come late then we can't help you as the CEOs of this company is taking the interview and their schedule is totally pack.

Yn - Oh okay thank you will be there tomorrow.

Yeri - Okay ma'am thank you have a great day.

- Call Ended

Yn stood up and started doing a happy dance on that time Jungkook entered the room. Placing his coat and tie on the stand he walked near her and back hugged her making her flinch.

Because of the sudden touch.

Yn - Kook you scared me.
She said with a cute pout on her lips. Jungkook chuckled at her cuteness and pecked her lips multiple times.

Jungkook - Aigoo I am so sorry my princess I didn't mean to.
He said with an apologetic look on his face.

Yn - Ahh it's fine you go and freshen up I will arrange the dinner for you.
She said as he nodded.

He was about to walk way but he again came back.

Jungkook - Did you have your dinner yet?
He asked Yn looked down nervously.

Jungkook - Yn!
He asked in a stern voice.

Yn - Haha I was waiting for you.
She awkwardly laughed, making Jungkook sigh. He felt very lucky having her, but he didn't like the way she was starving herself for him.

Jungkook - oh god Yn-ah come on I told you right don't wait for me and eat your meals on time.?
He asked, as the girl just nodded with a sad look making Jungkook smile softly.

Jungkook - Ok now don't be sad my love come we will have our dinner together now okay?
He asked, as she nodded her head vigorously.

-Next Day
Jungkook was thinking about proposing Yn since a very long time now, He was very sure about his feelings for her and he was very sure that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her and only her.

Yn got ready for her interview grabbing the important files she left the house.

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