Chapter 14 - Messed Up

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Title - Secret Second Marriage
Written by Taexzoe

Author Pov
Jungkook and Yn were excited for their wedding where as Jungkook's family were excited to ruin their marriage.

Jungkook came into the room and hugged Yn. Jungkook - Hey, I'm back. Is my fiancé here?
He said softly.

Yn - Yes she is come in.
She said in a sweet tone.

Jungkook walked over to Yn and hugged her tightly. Then he started to kiss her aggressively.
Jungkook - I missed you.
He said as he hugged her tighter.

Yn - Aigoo I missed you so much more kookie
She said. Jungkook blushed.

Jungkook - You missed me more than I missed you? Yeah, right.
He said playfully.

Jungkook - I missed you more, But I do know what would make it up to you.
He said as he pushed Yn gently onto the bed.

As they started kissing, his phone started ringing. It was his first wife. Jungkook looked at Yn.

Yn - Pick it up koo.
She said, while slowly creasing her hair.

Jungkook picked up the phone and looked at it. The caller was "Moon." He sighed and put it on speakerphone so Yn could hear too.

Jungkook - Hello?
He said.

-On Call-
Moon: Hi, Jungkook.
Jungkook: He-Hello, Moon... Is everything alright?
He asked softly.

Moon: Hello, Jungkook. No, nothing is alright. Do you love her more than you love me..?
She asked softly.
Jungkook looked at you for a moment.

Jungkook: I... Do you really want me to answer that..?
Jungkook asked her.

Moon: Yes, Jungkook.
She said in a serious voice.
Jungkook sighed.
Jungkook: Well, yes. I do love her more than I love you. Wait- I never loved you moon please don't forget that.
He said softly.

Moon: How could you?! I am your wife! I mean, I still am technically.
Moon said, sounding upset.
Jungkook: Moon, you cheated on me with more than twenty men. I don't love you, I never loved you moon get that in your head.
He said.

Moon: You did at one point.
She said softly.
Moon: How could you not love me anymore?
She sounded hurt, and angry.

Jungkook: I never loved you nor will I ever love you get that?
He sounded annoyed. Moon grew quiet but you could hear her crying over the phone.

Moon: y-you're such an ass Jungkook I'm your wife-your wife and I love you and you don't care just because I made a few stupid mistakes-don't you just want to come back and forget about that all?! I promise I won't do it again I just need you to come back!
Moon said, almost crying.

Yn could hear the hurt in Moon's, it would probably be best for Jungkook to ignore her. There was no way this call would end well if he kept talking to her. So he ended the call but Moon being a pain the ass called again.

-On Call-

Jungkook sighed, and picked up.
Jungkook - Hello Moon, what is it now?
He asked.

Moon: Baby please I'll let you have me every night come back ~
She said, Jungkook face darkened at her words.

Jungkook: Do you have any idea how stupid you sound right now? I'm not coming back.
He said.

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