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Scar left early that day and didn't come back until a few weeks later. Mumbo didn't see that girl either for a while.

The boy had honestly forgotten about Scar's existence after a few days and he made amends with Bdubs saying that he wouldn't be friends with Scar anymore.

It was better that way.

Mumbo was much happier with real friends that weren't suspected of multiple murders. He especially liked this guy named Doc. He was really smart in every subject and Mumbo could really nerd out to him without being judged. It was nice.

But then Scar returned.

Mumbo was hanging out with Doc, Bdubs, and another kid named Zed before class when he heard someone calling his name. He was confused at first and he didn't recognize the voice until the second time they called for him.

"Shit," Mumbo hissed, running a hand down his face.

"Who's tha- Oh," Zedaph grimaced. "You don't have to talk to them, you know. If you ignore them, they'll just leave you alone."

Mumbo nodded. "So, anyway," he said, quickly making it seem like he was busy in a fun conversation when he noticed Scar in the corner of his eye. They were close. "I told him, you can't put that-" He stopped when Scar poked his cheek and kept his finger there. "Uh-"

"I know you heard me," they said quietly, making Mumbo shiver. He felt... bad. "Why are you ignoring me?"

"Uh- I didn't hear you," he said, glancing over at Bdubs, who shrugged. "They were talking, so-"

"But all of you stopped talking when I called for you," they said with a frown, then their lower lip began to tremble. "Do you not like me anymore?"

Mumbo blinked, hearing Bdubs whisper, "Cut them off, dude."

Scar sniffled and pulled his finger away to wipe at his eyes with that hand. "Right," they murmured. "I'll just, uh... go, then. To be by myself because you were my only friend..."

Mumbo sighed and looked away. He felt horrible now, even if they might have been a murderer. But they were the reason Mumbo didn't have any friends, so he also felt like it was fair. Though he winced when he heard them sob.

"Good job, Mumbo," Doc applauded him. "Now you'll never have to deal with them again."

"...I feel bad, though," Mumbo murmured. "I was their only friend."

Zedaph sighed. "You would've gotten hurt," he said. "It's for the best."

▪ ◇ □ ■ □ ◇ ▪︎

Mumbo saw Scar sitting in his spot at lunch and grimaced. He didn't want to deal with them today.

"Why the fuck are they sitting at our table?" Bdubs complained. "And in Mumbo's spot, too! They're fucking obsessive."

Doc nudged Bdubs. "Let's just kick them out," he said. "They can find somewhere else to sit."

"Actually," Mumbo said suddenly, "can I ask them to leave?"

The three of them blinked, then slowly nodded.

As he walked over, they noticed him and jumped.

"Sorry, I'll leave," they said, quickly packing up their stuff and standing. "I didn't know you sat here, I'm sorry-"


"...It's Etho."

Mumbo paused and rolled his eyes. "Is it now?" he said. "You need to leave me alone. Stop being wherever I am. Stop-" He cut himself off when Scar- Etho?- began to cry. "...Why are you crying?"

They hiccuped as they tried to stop themselves from falling apart, but it looked like they couldn't help it. "I- I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," they sobbed. "It's just that you're the first person to recognise o-our disorder, and- and it meant a lot to us-"

Suddenly, Mumbo felt bad again. But he had to get them out of his life. From what the others said, it was for the best. "Well... I'm sorry, too, but you have to find somewhere else to sit," he said.

They nodded. "Right." They picked up their things and their food and turned around, now standing there awkwardly. "There's nowhere else to sit."

"Then that's your fucking problem," Bdubs cut in bitterly. "And by the way, that 'disorder' isn't the disorder you're thinking of. You don't have DID, you're just a fucking lunatic who's obsessive and can't get a goddamn grip." He slammed his hands down onto the table, making Etho jump. "Beat it."

They ran away sobbing, and Bdubs huffed.

"Serves them right," he said.

Zedaph looked at Mumbo, then back at Bdubs. "Wasn't that... a little harsh?" he asked nervously. "You didn't need to call them out like that."

"They need a wake up call, Zed," Bdubs said. "I was only telling them the truth."

▪ ◇ □ ■ □ ◇ ▪︎

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Xelqua slammed their fist down onto the table, their entire hand falling off. "Dammit," they hissed, grabbing it to put it back on like it was normal. "He had the perfect body, and now he's gone because of Bdubs." They sighed and glared at themselves in the mirror. "I need a new host soon. This one's falling apart."

Grian smiled. "Don't worry, Mumbo, dear," they whispered. "I'll keep you safe. I won't let this monster hurt you."

▪ ◇ □ ■ □ ◇ ▪︎


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