Chapter five

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That night I went to bed with Brandon's smile on my mind. Man he's hot!

When I woke I checked the time, it was about eight thirty. I rubbed my eyes and reluctantly rolled out of bed. I brushed my hair and got dressed. I looked out my window to see that it was snowing lightly so grabbed my heavy duty coat and doubled my socks up. I put my keys and purse in my bag and headed downstairs to see my family, including my older brother Luke, sitting round the table.
"Morning sleepy head" my brother said patting a spot on the bench for me to sit on.
"It's only nine o'clock" I moaned "what brings you to this neck of the woods I said placing a gigantic pancake on my plate.
"Can't I come and see my. Two baby sisters?" He laughed
Stuffing my face with pancakes I raised my hands in defeat. "In all seriousness now" He said finishing his last bite of pancake "I have some exciting news to tell you"
"Tell us!" Jamie groaned "He said he wouldn't tell us till you got down here and believe me you took an eternity" she said brushing a strand of loose hair out of her face.
"Sorry that I am a teenager and I like to sleep" I huffed
"Girls!" My mother growled "Continue Luke" she smiled.
"Okay then" there was a long pause " Me and Sarah are buying a house together!" He cried.
"OHMYGOD!" I gasped. Sarah's been Luke's girlfriend since year ten and have been inseparable ever since, she is like a second sister to me.
Mum burst into tears of joy "My baby's all grown up!" She literally cried giving Luke a huge hug.
"That's awesome!" Jamie smiled.
After all the excitement settled down I asked Jamie "Do you need a lift to the barn?"
"Yes please" she smiled
"I will meet you there" Luke said "I need to ride Pigment" Pigment was Luke's paint show hunter, she was a real eye catcher in the show ring and won him many ribbons. together they made horse riding look as easy as counting to three, which it isn't. they were the ultimate team.

We arrived at the barn at about ten thirty by the time Jamie got her stuff together. "We are here" I said parking my car in the boarders car park.
"I'm getting a lift home with Stacy" Jamie said hopping out of the car "So don't bother waiting around."
"Wasn't planing on it" I laughed.

It was absolutely freezing so I knew the indoor would be fully booked this morning so I decided to put Pinkie in her stall and give her a good groom and feed. After putting her extra warm stable rug on I left her to be in her stall and walked over to my new horses stall where she stood shivering in the back corner of the stall as she wouldn't let Jenny put a rug on her. Her once vibrant palomino coat was now dull, lifeless and mud caked so I decided to attempt to groom and cover her so I went and mixed up a feed. I walked into her stall and shook the feed bucket, with the sound she perked her ears.
"Good girl" I soothed
I shook the bucket again and she took a step. "good girl" I whispered again. Eventually she came all the way up to me and started to sniff the food. After about five minutes she had eaten all her food and backed away. I tried walking up to her slowly to slip the halter on but the ears went back and the teeth came out. I stood my ground and flicked the lead rope. She turned and looked at me that's when I walked up to her, this time she stood still. As I put the halter on her she through her head up a few times trying to come to terms with this thing on her head that's not there to hurt her. Then I clipped the lead rope and walked out the stall to get her new grooming supplies and stable rug that Jenny bought her this morning before I came. I walked back into the stall and placed the bucket down and clipped her back up to the lead rope. To get her used to the fact of me touching her without it hurting I ran my hands along her back, she through her head up in 'pain'. She must of had some bad memories. I decided to see how she would be with the dandy brush, so I got to work. She would shy often but after she came to the realization that I was there to help her, she was happy to be brushed. Her coat came up nicely but still needed work. Then came the hard part, the cover. I quartered it then gently placed it on her rump. She spooked and shied majorly. Attempt two, I did the same thing this time the ears went back but there no spooking. I place the blanket over her whole body and did up the buckles, getting kicked in the thigh in the process but I remained calm trying not to bring back any memories.

I picked up her bucket and turned around only to see the most beautiful boy ever standing at her stable door. How could someone that good looking be related to Hailey?
"Hi" He smiled.
"How long have you been there?" I stuttered trying to open the stall door with my now sweaty nervous hands.
"Long enough to know that you have a gift with horses" He smiled that amazing smile. "Most trainers would be able to brush an abused horse, let alone put a cover on it in an hour!" He cried as I put the new horses things away.
"Thank you." I laughed "What are you doing here Anyway?" I asked trying to avoid eye contact with him.
"I was here to watch Hailey ride and also check the place out for when I start boarding here next month. But you know how long Hailey takes to tack up so I needed something to do." He smiled.
"Well I will be riding my OTTB soon so you can have some more entertainment as I face plant into the arena sand" I giggle.
"Highly unlikely" he smirked.
"Fine. Well I will be riding in fifteen minutes" I smile.
"See you then" He winked. I think I melted inside.
I get Charlie in from his tall and clip him to the cross ties. I give him a quick but good groom and saddle him up in his jumping saddle.

I walk into the indoor arena only to see Hailey and Luke riding a course of jumps.
When Brandon spots me he gives me a smile and a wave, of course I wave back and I can feel my hands going sweaty and my face going red. "Stop it, he's only a boy!" I whisper to myself.
After warming up over a couple of jumps I get Brandon to set them at a meter to really test Charlie. We jump three of the four rounds clear, in the first one Charlie had a run out at a fence with a few scary objects as fillers but he concurred his fear and carried on the course.

While I was unsaddling Brandon came up to me. "Can you please give me a lesson! I must learn you way master" he said bowing.
"It takes time and patience young grasshopper" I giggled "You are much better than me probably" I say undoing Charlie's sweaty girth.
"Hell no!" He cries.
"Whatever you say Brandon" I laugh.
After lunch I lunge prancer for twenty minutes then went home.

Just as I walk through the door at home my phone buzz's.

Unknown number

Hay Brandon here :-)
Hailey gave me your number. you still owe me a lesson! ;)

My heart raced! He has my number!

Hope you guys like the EXTRA long chapter! Above is a photo attached of the indoor at their stables (it's my dream indoor)
Anyway bye for now
Rosie xxx from @RosieShania

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