Chapter ten

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I slid off Pinkie's back after a hard show jumping workout. Today I was heading out with Hailey to check if the circus place had any more animals that needed to be taken away. Hailey and I hopped in the car and drove in silence, hoping we weren't going to find any poor horses, or any animals for that matter.

I pulled up at the building and knocked on the door of reception. No one was there, so I clicked open the door and pushed it open. Inside was a long, curved desk with a pretty darn old computer and a pile of dusty paperwork. I turned to Hailey and shrugged and I followed her out of the office. We headed around the back.

"This place is beyond disgusting," Hailey admitted, gagging at a wheelbarrow with over-flowing, fly-and-maggot filled manure. She followed me down the aisle. I was just about to give Hailey the all clear that no animals were here, when I saw a lonesome dog trotting down the aisle. Well, attempting to trot, his leg was badly injured and there was a piece of metal wire wrapped around his leg.

"Awwww, poor doggy!" Hailey gasped, picking him up.
"Be careful! We don't know who he belongs to."
"The circus people, dummy! We can take him, they're not allowed any more animals."
"We can't just take him! That's stealing."
"You goodie goodie." Hailey huffed, placing him back down on the ground and folding her arms.
"We have to do something about that leg, though. Call the vet while I walk around more."

The vet ended up taking the dog with her, leaving a depressed Hailey behind.
"He could've been my right hand man!" She moaned.
"You've totally lost it." I sighed. I dropped her at her house before driving myself back to the barn. I still had a lot of work to do. When I got into the barn, I spotted Brandon leading Spartan down the aisle.
"I'm just heading out for a trek. Want to come?" He asked.
"Sure, I'll just tack up Charlie!"
I quickly checked on Belle and promised her I'd take care of her after the trek, before speedily whipping Charlie's tack on and leading him to where Brandon was waiting patiently on Spartan.

The trek was great, we chatted and laughed a lot and had a few races. We even stopped at the cross country course and took turns jumping over that. Brandon even felt like doing the humungous monster jumps, as I used to call them when I was younger, leaving a few of the 12 and 13 year olds gawping speechlessly.
"You go now, Alex!" Brandon winked.
"Not on Charlie, he's a real fuss-pot when it comes to cross country."
"Yeah right, go on!"
"Nah, I would if it were Pinkie. Here, race you to that tree instead." So we set off at a mad pace. That afternoon I worked with Belle, and I even got around to lunging her. It took a lot of energy, but we got there in the end and Belle was a superstar. She's looking much healthier, too.

The next day I woke up early for the dreaded thing. School. Atleast next year I'd be away from school and studying at uni for something I'm actually INTERESTED in. That's if I do go to uni, a part of me feels like I should just stay home with my horses.

When I got to school, I looked around vigorously, trying to find Hailey or Brandon. Finally I spotted Brandon and Hailey's heads bobbing through the big rush of year thirteens. I ran up to them.
"There you are!" I gasped.
"I am so dreading today." Hailey sighed.
"Me too." Brandon and I said in unison.

We walked inside, sighing.

Sorry guys this is a REAL short chapter, I'm really sick and my writing is not turning out how I want so I'm just going to cut it short for this chapter. The next chapter can be of them actually at school or whatever. Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it's tiny!
-Shania from @RosieShania

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