The Measurement of Time

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Once, there lived a generous king named Nimi, who ruled the kingdom of Videha. The capital of Videha was the city of Mithila. 

One day, Nimi decided to perform a yagna and requested sage Vasishtha to be the chief priest. The sage, however, declined. " I apologize, but I have a prior commitment with Lord Indra the same day. Please go ahead and I will join the yagna a little later."

Nimi requested sage Gautama to start the yagna, so that Sage Vasishtha could take over when he arrived.

As fate would have it, Nimi forgot to inform Sage Vasishtha about the time of the yagna. By the time Sage Vasishtha arrived, the preparations were almost at an end, without any input of Sage Vsishtha. the Sage was very upset and admonished Nimi.

"You are an irresponsible king. To perform an yagna with sincerity, proper preparations must be done, and the person performing it must be ready. That takes time. How could you forget to inform me the time ?"

Nimi accepted his fault, "O sage, your anger is justified. Your clan has been the guru of my clan for generations. It is a position most sacred to my lineage. In my hurry and carelessness, I have committed a grave mistake. I have offended you and been a great disappointment to my ancestors. This offence is so great that I do not wish to live anymore."

The sage became thoughtful. The king had made a terrible mistake, and Vasishtha understood his plight. 

The king continued, " O sage, I have just one request. Help me so that i may see the world through the eyes of my subjects and be with them every day even after I leave this perishable body."

With a nod, Vasishtha transformed the king into eyelashes. Eyelashes are called nimi  in Sanskrit, since it only takes a second to blink, this unit of time came to known as nimisha.

yessss so this was the end of this chapter. Hope u would like it :) 

yar guys pleaseee vote and comment and follow * puppy face*

will meet u in the next chapter....till then 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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