You Left Me A Long Time ago. Part 8

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But i wanted Harry. I wanted to know he loved me and hell, I wanted him to know I loved him. I wanted to know that I could work through this but I had to promise myself I oulden't be the same. well the same clingy person that always talks and wines about her boyfriend.

I look up noticing that I'm still sitting here but I'd been lost in my thoughts i looked at harry his gaze indicating he wanted me to say something.

"How?" Iquestioned him. Iactually really wanted the answer.I wanted to know how he would win back my trust because I honestly couldn't think of a way. and apparently neither could he.

"I'm not so sure but ill find away."

Then he stood up. so did i. We went to hug but both pulled away knowing it would be the most awkward hug ever. I held out my hand and Harry slaped his against mine smiling slightly. we shook but he didn't let go. he yanked my hand forward causing my body to collide with his. He wrapped both arms around me and i happily did the same. I wasn't at all awkward but more like a connection. A connection I'd been dyeing to feel again. like 'sparks' you could say.

He pulled back separating enough to look at me. He just starred directly in my eyes and kissed me.

You Left Me A Long Time Ago. Harry Styles Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now