Chapter 11

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BANG !!!!  DON'T I SAID  YOU  TO COMPLETE THIS FILE.. HAVE YOU LOST YOUR BRAIN.. AM I PAYING YOU FOR GOSSIPING... EVERYONE ARE USELESS HERE." Taehyung said while  banging the file harshly into the desk. He was very furious today. Don't know what the reason was but here  that poor girl who got hunted by this hungry tiger. She just  standing infront of him while hanging his head huge law. Just then he heard a knock . .

Today taehyung's mood was not so good, and that's no one dares to approch him. He was like a hungry tiger. He was always a cold person but today he was like a hungry tiger wants to hunt on his prey. From the morning half of the employees are targeted by him. 

He let out a deep breath for control his anger. "Come in." he said in a cold tone that anyone can scare of.. he don't even bothers look at that said direction.

On the other hand that person come inside after taking the permission but got shock to see taehyung in this condition. He was too shocked to even utter a word but he was about to say something but taehyung again said making him shut his mouth.

"Don't you have mouth to speak,, just say and get lost." he said while taking a deep breath trying to control his anger don't even budge to look at that direction. That girl who was previously standing there was trembling in fear ..

"No I have a very preety mouth and also can use it properly." said that person with a calm Tone  and hearing to the familiar voice taehyung look up with a wide eyes.. he was really shook cause he was not expecting him to be hear ..

"Jungkook what are you doing here." it was the first quistion come out from taehyung's mouth after seeing the younger who was standing there while crossing both his arms on chest with unreadable expression .. 

"i come here to see my husband any problem MR C.E.O." jungkook rolled his eyes when he heard those confused look on elder.

And taehyung was not expecting this answer from younger sarcastic yeah that's toun used younger just now. He look at younger with an utter shock who was now talking to that girl.

"Miss please don't mind my husband's word, he was a bit pissed don't know why, you can go now. I'll handle it from here." he said while glaring at elder who was now ignoring his stares. That girl was a bit hesitant but left from there.

Now there is only jungkook and taehyung was left alone in the whole room, younger was looking at him while crossing his two hands on his chest. Looking all scary and taehyung looking everywhere but jungkook naa.

"Care to explain, what's going on here." said as he crossed his both hands on his chest but elder was deliberately avoiding any eye contact with the other.. and jungkook don't like this, don't even a bit. How can elder just ignore him while he come all the way just to see this certain person and he was acting like a grumpy old man .. he was so passed by the behaviour of tae, when he don't get any answer he agin brust into him

"Yeah idot what are you looking at, don't you have basic manners, I come here for the first time and you just ignore me like i don't even exist." younger scolded.

And this time jungkook don't let taehyung to speak for once he continued "whatever it's my husband's cabin i can sit here without anyone's permission." He said and sit on taehyung's seat like a king, and looking this taehyung lips curved with a big smile ...

"Ohh so finally you remember that you have a husband, from the morning i just craved for your one glance but i think he is more important then me." he mumbled while looking at the younger who was busy in admiring the whole cabin like a little baby. A part of him was angry and another part was happy because younger come to his company for the first time and the solo reason is he himself.

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