Chapter 26

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Taehyung, jungkook, jimin the three of them are now sitting inside a restaurant for Lunch. Jimin and taehyung was busy in giving order, while jungkook was busy in pouting ...
Why ? Cause he still don't want to come for lunch, both the brothers just drag him without his consent,,,, he was still angry at elder for what he had done,,,

Letter a waiter come with there respective food, he served the three of them, But jungkook don't even touch any of thus dish, which taehyung notice abruptly, he cupped that angry boy's both cheeks and made him look up to himself.

"Bunn!!" He called "It's all your favourite!!! Eat naaa." He said, hoping younger to listen his words. And jimin also notice but he just give them privacy to solve there own problem continued with his eating.

"I don--- younger tried to protest but his mouth got shut by a mouth ful spoon of food which he swelled quickly,,, He still want to protest saying I am still angry but food was still in his mouth so he forget what he want to talk.

Taehyung's face broke into a big smile when he saw how younger was eating his food with a big pout.

"How is it!!!" He asked to that boy who have a still some food inside his mouth busy in chewing.

"Auu muu ajj!!!" younger said in his language and it sounds like a baby who trying to say his first word, which make taehyung smiled...

"First swelled it then talk." jimin said while shooking his read, he was so done with theses couple, he raised his one eyebrow at the seen "and hyung you never feed me like you do to him." He ask to his hyung who was busy in watching the bunny boy.

Taehyung's attention turns to that bunny boy to his brother who was looking at him while chewing his food, he rolled his eyes on his dramatic brother who was still enjoying his food "Don't you have hands. Then use them." He said and continued his feeding another spoon.

"Such a biased you are..." Jimin commented with a huff, don't wnat to argue with the elder anymore as he can't win over any argument with his brother.

Jungkook who was busy with his food but stop and look at jimin with a teasing look "Hyung if you are that eager to feed by someone!! Then why don't you call that boy of yours." He eagerly comment without noticing a pair of curious eye on him.

"What boy!!!" Taehyung ask with so much curiousity. Eyes were stick to jungkook waiting for him to answer.

"W-hat b-oy k-ook..." Another voice Heard by jungkook which is jimin's itself, Who asked to younger while stutterly.

Now jungkook understand what he just said,, his eyes traveled from jimin to taehyung back n forth, both the brothers have a different expression on there face. One have a fear on his face while the other have a very curious look. He gluped inwardly. He tooke a deep breath before started his explanation.

"No!!" He shook his head "I said why don't you search yourself a good boy. It's like that." He explained hoping for elder to understand but taehyung's expression was saying otherwise.

"But I clearly heard you said that boy of yours!" Elder explained, jimin gluped in nervousness signalling younger to say something, which younger acknowledged.

"O-h n-ow you're saying I'm wrong." Jungkook said pointing his index finger to himself, sounding a little angry, his eyes went wide, he put his one palm on his forehead and
exclaimed dramatically "How can you tae!!!" He continued "You're the one who did that ridiculous prank!!! Still you dare to say that I'm wrong." He closed his eyes in disappointment which make taehyung shock.

"Such an dramatic actor he is.. anyone can see that he is acting but only my hyung can't see that. Why he is so wipped?" Jimin thought while enjoying the drama. He rested his hand on his chin and see the couple infront of him.

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