𝐈𝐕: thanks aphrodite.

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        PROPHECIES AND CURSES were never really Veronicas forte.

I mean sure, she'd gotten cursed tons, even when she was still a baby, she was phrophesised to rule. Earthshaker, stormbringer, ruler of.. well she didnt quite know yet.

Unfortunately, the gods above loved playing cruel tricks on the lowly demigods below, throwing evil prophecies and quests in their way.

"Find the guy with one shoe." You're kidding right? —That's what Veronica had said when Hera told them what to look for. It turned out to be a pretty, courageous girl, a blonde kid who looked just like a familiar son of Hermes, and a son of Hephaestus. Its like the gods were playing a joke on Veronica, reminding her more and more of what she couldve done to save her friends.

She had parted ways with Will not long ago, him heading up to his cabin with a smile. His eyes shined blue, but Veronica could tell they lost their light after the battle. She still remembered his screams—him pleading to the gods to bring his siblings back.

The battle of Manhattan had haunted her nightmares and was the cause of the pit of loneliness Veronica had in her stomach. The crumbling bodies of her best friends followed her like lonely ghosts, cradling her with their lifeless souls.

All she felt was guilt. How was it fair that she was still alive when they werent? Lying in the soil, cold and lifeless, no future ahead. She shouldve been happy she survived.. but how could she be?

So now there she sat, on a dock, overlooking the lake in Camp Half-Blood. It was her spot. Their spot. The familiar memories flashed across her vision like they were taunting her.

Veronica closed her eyes tightly, as if trying to push them out, but it was no use.

She slowly opened her eyes, a hand reaching up to shield them from the sunset. The sun gleamed over the water, painting the sky a pastel painting.

She untied her laces, taking off her shoes, and let her legs dangle over the water, sinking her toes into the cold atmosphere.

Reaching a hand into the water, Veronica felt at peace. The water shined blue, dazzling.. then suddenly a face appeared.

Veronica pulled her arm back abruptly, letting out a gasp. She slowly pulled her legs out and sat on her knees, peaking over into the water.

Aphrodite smiled back at her. Her eyes closed, but her face beaming, changing shape and colour everytime Veronica blinked.


"Hush child, for I do not have long. I am here to speak to you about a prophecy." Aphrodite spoke gently.

"Oh great. I'm in another prophecy." Veronica groaned, rolling her eyes.

"Zeus does not know I am here, and because I cannot come to this camp and deliver it in person, I am relying on your connection to the water to help me speak. The prophecy goes-"

"As fire and water shall bend the will,

A demigod will break the wheel.

A daughter of the river and a son of the flames.

Shall be stuck forever as the world bursts into a blaze."

"What?" Veronica furrowed her eyebrows.

"I could not tell you what it means, as the Fates decide how the prophecies go, that is why there are three of them." Aphrodite said softly.

"You cant just dump this on me then leave!"

"Oh but I can, sweet child."

As Veronica blinked once more, Aphrodite was no where to be found.

She sat there, shocked. Staring at the water without even a slight movement.

Veronica put her shoes back on, not even bothering to tie the laces back together. She walked off the dock and down the path that led to the dining pavilion in a daze.

The prophecy said something about water and fire? Well then the Hephaestus cabin was the way to go. Although, none of them had fire abilities, so how could it be one of them?

As Veronica continued walking, she suddenly bumped into a taller figure, looking up from the ground, she stared back into Nyssas caramel eyes.

"Woah. Dazed much?" Nyssa laughed.

Veronica forced a smile back at her. "Yeah sorry.. hey, wheres Valdez?"

"Ah. Still in the cabin. Y'know how the first day is."

"Better than anyone. Hey, I'm gonna go get him, see you at dinner." Veronica said as she walked away.


✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩

        AFTER HIS CABINMATES filed out of the forge, Leo was alone with the sounds of the bellows, the waterwheels, and small machines clicking and whirring.

He stared at the map of camp—the locations where his newfound siblings were going to put traps to catch a dragon. It was wrong. Plain wrong.

Very rare, he thought. And always dangerous.
He held out his hand and studied his fingers. They were long and thin, not callused like the other Hephaestus campers.

He felt an urge to try something now—it was something he hadn't done since the accident, since his mom's death.

He extended his fingers and felt them tingle, like they were waking up— pins and needles. Then flames flickered to life, curls of red-hot fire dancing across his palm.

"Leo? What are you-"

Leo turned and saw Veronica staring at his hand, a frown on her face.

He quickly extinguished the fire and put his hand behind his back, but it was too late, Veronica saw the flames.

"Valdez. You have 10 seconds to explain yourself." She said, crossing her arms.

Leo raised his eyebrows, "that's it? I thought you would be more surprised."

"Listen, Fireboy, I've seen worse things then a person on fire. Now, ten, nine.."

"Fine, fine! Just don't count, i'm already terrified of you," Leo said. He started walking towards the door.

Veronica turned on her heel to face him. They were standing pretty close together and Veronica could feel the heat emerging from Leo. "Where are you going?" She asked.

"To dinner, I'll tell you on the way there." Leo winked and opened the door, gesturing for Veronica to exit.

She took a deep breath and filed out, what if he was the one Aphrodite had prophecied about?

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Hey guys! This chapters lowk rushed but its ok! Im actually so proud of coming up with the prophecy in under 5 min because the other ones took me more than a day for one line.. but we shouldnt talk about that! Anyways Vereo is already so cute I cant wait to write more scenes with them!

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