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Radhe Radhe...


Ariyan Shekhawat:- best and only friend of Advit Rajput. Childhood friend of him, knows all about him. He is a doctor by profession. Currently lives in U.S. with Advit's Chacha. Helps Advit in every matter no matter what's the matter is. Like a brother to Advit. His parents killed by one of their mafia rivals. His parents also want him to join mafia world but Advit supports him and take stand for him in front of own and his parents. He is also a legal advisor in Advit multi billionaire company.

Mehul Rajput:- chacha of Advit Rajput. Lives in the U.S., handles U.S. matters related to mafia as well business. Loves Advit and Ariyan as his own son. After the death of Ariyan parents he came to the U.S. to support Ariyan because at that time Ariyan was still studying. He really respects alot his elder brother. He is also mafia, cold, ruthless and heartless. When Advit's parents are killed by rivals, he totally becomes depressed but that time Advit and Ariyan support him a lot and they catch a true murderer and blast all their anger and sadness on rivals. Because of their torture they become most cruel gang of the world.

Naina Rajput:- chachi of Advit Rajput. Sweet,caring, supportive person but can be fierce lioness if anyone try to harm his family. Loves Advit and Ariyan as her own son. Have a degree in law. Support and guide her family in every matter.

Anika Rajput:- only daughter of Rajput's family. Rajput and Shekhawat family pampered her a lot but don't spoiled her. Cute, loving, caring, 15 years old doll. Scared of his brothers alot, but loves them more. Goes for defence training soon.

No one knows where they live, what they do or even if they live or not.

Advit's father and Ariyan's father are very good friends, even their start mafia gang together. When they become mafia kings, Ariyan's father said that you keep the title of mafia king only I don't want it but I am here to support you in any turn. They built a palace in an abandoned place and there they and their family lived together.

When Ariyan's parents get killed, Advit's father is filled with rage and enters their rival palace without any backup plan and also gets highly tortured by them, but somehow came back live from there.

At that time Advit is only 22 years old but his training and all is completed so his chacha hands over him the throne of mafia king and again leaves for U.S. ; but Advit will come as a more cruel and heartless beast who only knows power and always shows dominance and only wants helplessness, fear in others eyes.


Varun Tayal:- chacha of Saanvi. CEO of his own small company. Very greedy person. Selfish, rude type of person. Tortures Saanvi with his wife.

Anshika Tayal:- chachi of Saanvi. Loves to go club and doing partying and all. Very selfish and greedy person. All the time taunt Saanvi for nothing and torture her.

Ruhi Tayal:- daughter of Varun and Anshika Tayal. Works in his father company. Greedy and selfish girl. Manipulate Saanvi all the time.

Kabir Tayal:- son of Varun and Anshika Tayal. Lives in New York. Has his own small company in New York. Sweet, caring and loving person. Loves Saanvi as much as he loves Ruhi, at least he doesn't pretend like that. Does not know about the torture done by his parents on Saanvi.

Saanvi's parents died in a car accident when she was only 6 years old and in 1st standard, after her completion of 1st class her Chachu hid her from the world and got home schooling for her because he didn't want to waste his money on her.

He also wants her property which will be legally named as her when she becomes 25 years old, her Chacha thought to take it from her when she becomes 25 years old and then do her marriage with someone who gives them money or dowry to marry her. Saanvi is the epitome of beauty and also does house work so his chacha is confirmed that if he gives an offer then everyone wants to marry her, even her Roohi didi is also jealous of her beauty but doesn't show it.

He and his wife totures her and also she is the one who works in their house because their is no maid in their house as her chacha is tight-fisted man. Now she completed her studies, now she wanted to study further so she nudged her Ruhi didi to talk to her chacha and chachi, because Ruhi always supports her and talks to her nicely, as what she thought. Roohi also sometimes brings Saanvi out of the house for restaurants and parties, because of her mean reasons but Saanvi thinks it as her Ruhi didi cares for her and all.

Saanvi easily gets scared even when Ruhi is angry with her she by all means pacify Ruhi sometimes by making her favourite dishes and doing situps and all the tasks which are loved by her Ruhi didi. She only sees Ruhi and Kabir as her family who loves her and cares for her.

Okkk, so here is the other characters and their characteristics and motives.

Chacha - uncle (father's younger brother)
Chachi - aunt
Bhaiya/Bhai/Bhai sahab - brother specifically elder brother
Didi - elder sister
Papa - father
Mummy - mother

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