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In Tayal house, Saanvi was in the kitchen and was making dinner. Then she heard doorbell ringing sound. She went to the main door and opened the door, the next thing she saw left her speechless, numb.......there stand...


She was continuously staring at him with utter shock and fear. She thought that he was here to complain about her.....

She was scared to see him it would be a small word she was petrified.

On the other hand, seeing Saanvi, Advit felt as if he got breath to live again. Seeing Savi, his heart was getting a lot of relief and peace. Otherwise, he was roaming around with anger in the yearning of Saanvi.

He smiles crookedly seeing her that scared and thinking something deeply, that she was sweating profusely.









  In Rajput's wings.....
     ( Advit's office)

He called Vikram and told him to come in his office.

  After sometime.... Vikram come to his office then Advit said....

Advit:- fix a meeting with Tayal's Groupon today.

Vikram:- sir today...??.....he said with little hesitation.

Advit:-, I don't care whether he has a presentation to show or not......I just want to deal with him. And I think they came to us earlier also to tie up with our company... right...??

Vikram:- ji sir.

(yes sir)

Advit:- hmm... let's give them a chance....evil laugh...

Vikram left from there to inform other employees and Mr. Tayal about this.

In Tayal's Groupon...

Today Varun is very happy because since long he wanted to tie up with Advit, and who would not want to, Asia's biggest company is Rajput's Wings. And today Advit himself has asked for the meeting.
But he is a little bit tense to think about what show in the presentation.

When he told this to Ruhi, she was very happy and said,

Ruhi:- "Papa, we will show our old presentation or ask him for some time because he also knows that no one can make a good presentation in a day, he will understand, don't worry."

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