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Here, Advit reaches his palace and goes towards his room, and changes formal dress, and wears a simple black colour tshirt and sweatpants, looking handsome as usual. And then laid on the bed, but sleep is far away from his eyes. He was thinking about today's incident which happened in the club.

He can't help but thinking about Saanvi. He couldn't stop thinking about Saanvi.

He thinks......

   "Dolphin you may have come in front of me by mistake, but you came on your own; but now you will not go anywhere without my consent."

He thought and smiles sadistly....

He got up from his bed, and picks up his phone and call his P.A.

After a few rings a sleepy voice comes from the other side,

P.A.:- yes sir.....

Advit:- I want all the information of a girl named Saanvi Tayal till tomorrow noon, She also came to XYZ club today with her sister.....understand.....said in deep cold voice.

After hearing Advit's deep scary voice, Vikram (his P.A.) lost all his sleep and said nevervously.....

Vikram:- yes...yes sir...

Advit:- hmm....he cuts the call.

Vikram is used to this because his boss himself neither slept nor let others sleep.

After disconnecting the call, he again lay down on the bed and started thinking about Saanvi.

Next morning....

Advit had woken up early in the morning, or rather had not slept the whole night. He freshen up and went to the gym. And after some time, after completing his morning routine, he left for his office.

In Rajput's Wings (Advit's office)

Advit is sitting in his office trying to focus on his work....yeah trying..... because he just wants to know about his little dove and wants to hold her close to him, in his arms; and never let her go.

Her eyes again and again comes in his mind. Those big blackish eyes doing something in him, which he ignores but can't get rid of it. Her sweet voice like honey, which he wants to listen forever. He thinks of her as some rude mannerless brat, he thought that he would reform her as she is now his, the moment he saw her she was his, but seeing her so scared and talking to him politely, he was a little surprised to see it.

  In afternoon, his office door was knocked, after Advit's permission, Vikram enters in office room with a file with a tensed face.

Vikram:- sir file...sir it contains information about Saanvi mam. Sir, she rarely comes out of the house, that's why we did not find much, but the basic information is all there in this file.

Advit:- humm can go now and cancel my today's meetings.

Vikram:- okk sir.

After Vikram leaves the office he starts checking the file.

Advit's open the file and started checking it....

Name:- Saanvi Tayal

Age:- 18

Father's name:- Rahul Tayal

Mother's name:- Roshni Tayal

Her parents died in a car accident, after her parents dead her chacha and chachi who also lived there with them take care of Saanvi. After her parents died she rarely came out of the house and also she was getting home schooling.

Uncle's name:- Varun Tayal...he is the CEO of his own company named Tayal's Groupon. 55 years old.

Aunt's name:- Anshika Tayal...she's the type of woman who would show up at the club every couple of days. 51 year old.

Her chaccha and chachi is a very greedy type of person. They have one son and one daughter.

Kabir Tayal:- son of Varun and Anshika Tayal, lives in New York. 28 years old. He rarely visits India because of his own company in New York.

Ruhi Tayal:- daughter of Varun and Anshika Tayal, stays with them. She works in his father's company. 24 years old. She is very selfish and greedy person.

Saanvi Tayal is mainly seen with Ruhi.

Advit:- hmm.... interesting....

There was also a photo of Saanvi in that file. Advit close the file and takes that photo of Saanvi and hugs it to his heart, and says......

      "meet you soon doll....."

He calls Vikram or says something that makes Vikram shocked and lose his senses.

Preview:- Advit's desperation and yearning to meet Saanvi....

Radhe Radhe...

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