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Saanvi was beyond shocked after hearing him. She just stares at her with her fear-full doe eyes looking hella cute.

On the other side Advit was just looking at her with burning desires inside him, his beauty, his queen who is the only one who just ruled over his heart ruthlessly.

He is not even looking at girls that are all ready to spare their everything to him but he doesn't even glance at them.
But this girl who stands in front of him drives him crazy with her pure crystal looking eyes, something in a single meeting that mesmerises him, makes him want to lose everything for her, the feeling to protect her, wants to ruin her innocence in the most sinister way.

He wants to massage her black long hair with his hand, wants to sleep by wrapping his hand around her perfect slim waist, wants to look into her eyes with love, rubs her nose with his nose, wants to kiss her in forehead with affection, wants to bite her earlobe, wants to kiss her cherry lips till they is out of breath.

Advit:- I only want to do love with you in whatever way love is meant to be, in whatever way love will be shown. You introduced me to the side of mine which I doesn't know that it existed within me. You filled the part of me that I never knew was empty, now I fill complete soul with you.

He slowly starts moving towards her, and she starts stepping back....

one step


second step


third step


fourth step


fifth step


That's it behind is the wall. She leans against the wall standing straight looking at him, tears start to welled up in her eyes.

Advit was now standing very close to her, looking right into her eyes. He could see a different glow in her eyes, in which there was a lot of fear, pain, innocence. But he didn't care about all this, he want to see only one thing and that is....,

  love, passion, madness for himself in her eyes.

Just as he has gone mad for her, in the same way she should also be for him, only him.

He takes hold of her mouth and starts caressing her cheeks with his hard hands.

"So soft"....he said in whisper not enough to hear by her.

All this was enough for her, now tears start rolling from her eyes.

Seeing her crying, he said in his slightly cold voice yes slightly, well, he tries his best not to use this tone on her seeing her scared that day, but this is his normal tone so it will take some time . Although he did not pay any attention to others, but here it was about his queen, so he can change his thousands of habits let it be one for her...

Advit:- why are you crying..??

Before she could say anything, Advit's phone starts ringing. Advit looks at her face for the last time before takes two steps back from her and starts checking his phone. His facial features harden at the sight of flash's name on the phone, he picks up the call and walks to the other side of the room to talk.

On the other side seeing this, Saanvi takes a chance and runs outside towards the verandah. When she is finally came out of her room she takes a deep breath to calm her furiously beating heartbeat. From there she goes to the kitchen.

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