Chapter 40

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I descend from the roof before sunrise, only stargazing for a little while to not leave Alexei for long. The night sky serves as a brilliant background for my contemplating: will I fall pregnant, will the baby carry my curse, are the stones even true at all? One thing I can be certain of, however; my mate is loving and perfect, and I trust every word he said to me before we consummated our bond. Senet was right — our bond feels stronger than ever after indulging in each other as mates should. Alexei's blood is no more than a bee buzzing around me rather than the incessant hive attack it was when I first transitioned.

I maneuver through the open window pane but find our bed empty. I stride to the washroom and then the front room, but Alexei has left the apartment altogether. On any other sleepless night, I wouldn't think anything of his absence, but tonight he was fast asleep and remained so even as I crept from the bed.

I quickly abandon my nightdress and adorn the first dress I pull from the wardrobe to search the keep. If Alexei woke and saw I was gone, he may very well be looking for me.

The first place I go to look is his study, and by the multiple voices and noises radiating from the open doors, I can infer from the opposite end of the hall that he must be in there with his men. I pick up my pace and peer inside to find Karim, many others surrounding the desk, and Alexei hardly visible behind them. Parchments are passed and thrown about, opinions are layered and deafened by each other, and I watch momentarily in the doorway until I leave it and call, "Alexei?"

My feminine voice seems to slice through the masculine hubbub. The lot of them glance, turn, or do either and revert, but the only attention I need is that of my mate, and he steps away from the frantic group to see to me.

"What is all of this?" I ask. "I-I was on the roof — I didn't go anywhere, really."

"Davra's men struck Blythe with the whole of his army," he tells me.

"Oh. When?"

"A message from Blythe was received here not long ago. I was woken and... I'm going to take a third of our own and bring them to aid Blythe and give him the number advantage."

The men behind react; Alexei must be deciding his response at this moment. I try to digest this and ask, "You're going now? With them?"

He nods then says to the room, "The faster the men are gathered beyond the west wall, the better. There isn't time to spare."

"I sent notice for them to be mustered before you left your chambers," Karim says. "Those on standby should be waiting already, and any more can be collected immediately."

"Very well." Alexei turns and heads for the door. "Let's walk."

I scurry to catch up to him and move rapidly to keep his pace. "So you will take men now and go to fight?"

"Don't worry, my love."

"Worry?" I run my hands over the skirt of my dress. "The thought of you leaving for battle is much more than worrying, actually."

"My life has been spent preparing for battle, strategizing for battle, leaving for and doing battle — there isn't anyone with a higher expertise than me — so I say again, don't worry for me."

I withhold my rebuttal and instead grab his hand to hold it like we have been. He glances at the connection and maintains it.

"I will be back before sundown."

"Sundown is getting later," I mutter.

He repeats, "I will be back."

I train my gaze forward, down the halls and staircases. Through the exterior wall windows, I catch glimpses of the army assembling in the fields past the keep wall, and my grip on Alexei firms. Hundreds of men are already waiting to be led by him. My own men remain at my territory; the suddenness of this initial attack means there is no time to distribute them if Alexei so pleases.

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