1.6- Rock War

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Mike and I were out delivering meat to their designated orders, on our way to another delivery, a blue car honked and when we rode down a random street, it followed us.

We peddled as fast as we could. I spotted a side-road and told Mike to make a hard right. He did and we tried to out-ride the car. But it hit the back of our tires, making us go flying. Our bikes landed a bit behind us as we tried to run.

Bowers grabbed my hair and Mike's arm, seeing as Mike has barely any hair, and dragged us across the river. Then he had Belch put meat on the rocks and open them. Then Belch held me down as Bowers kicked us. Mike was held down by Victor and a bit of Henry.

Henry stepped closer to me. Crouching down and leaning into my face. "Payback for running from us Faggot."

He pulls out his knife and cuts my shirt off, making my back hit the warm air of summer. He puts his knife to my back and pushes it in. I scream and feel tears falling from my eyes.

Then something hits Henry and he plunges the knife into my skin making me scream loudly for help. Henry falls off me and I see Mike crawling to the other side, where the losers stood.

I quickly moved over to their side. Richie quickly came and helped me up, making sure nothing touched the knife still plunged into my back, he helped me sit on the ground.

I was shirtless, cold, and in pain. I could feel the blood running down my back. I noticed rocks were being thrown from both sides of the river. I only noticed because one hit my face, making a deep incision.

"GO BLOW YOUR DAD YOU MULLET WEARING ASSHOLE!" Richie yells while Flipping him off double-time.

Then he helps me walk with him down to where the others were walking.

"Thanks but you guys shouldn't have done that. He'll be after you now." Mike says, not realizing the damage done to me.

"No, no, no, no. Bowers? He's always after us." Eddie explains.

"I gues that's one th-th-thing we al have in common." Bill says.

"Yeah homeschool! Welcome to the loser club!" Richie initiates Mike. "Now, andele! Let's go!" He speeds up, moving me and him to the front, closer to the bikes.

I can hear the gasps from the others as they see the knife still plunged deep into my back.

Richie hurries me over to Eddie's house, where they have left over supplies from Ben's injury.

Eddie opens the door and brings me to his room, where I lay face-first on the bed.

Richie sits on the bed next to me and rubs my back, gently. And as we wait for Eddie, I lay there, happily. I have the boy of my dreams caring for me. I may be in pain, but I have comfort.

Eddie returns to his room, rambling, "...knife. I'm gonna have to pull out the knife and watch the blood go everywhere..."

Eddie looks at Richie and says, "Richie. Pull out the knife." Then he quickly leaves the room.

Richie sighs. "This is going to hurt a lot, okay?"

I nod, slightly. And prepair for even more agonizing pain. I feel legs on either line of me, Richie is holding me down with his legs so he can easily pull the knife out.

I can feel when he grabs the knife, because it moves ever-so-slighty. I hiss as he grabs it. He must have yanked it out because pain shot through my body as I let out a screech of pain. I gasped and I realized tears flowed down my face heavily.

Richie sits on the floor at the side of the bed that I'm facing. "I'm so sorry love."

Even in this dark, painful moment. Richie managed to make me blush. I smiled at him and he smiled back. Giving me a quick kiss to the forehead and standing up.

Eddie comes back in and patches the stab wound. I can see Richie worriedly glancing at my face and back to my wound.

"Done." Eddie gags, quickly leaving the room.

Richie helps me get up, he leads me to the front door, but pauses. He grabs a band-aid from a kit nearby and puts it on the cut on my face. He then takes off his blue Hawaiian shirt and puts it on me. I smile at him and he brings me outside.

I see the entire loser club look up at me. Mike runs up to me to give me a hug. Richie steps in front of him, stopping him from getting to me.

"He was just stabbed in the back. Careful." Richie orders. He then moves back out of Mike's way, who walks up to me and carefully hugging me.

The others look at us. Confused. "What?" I ask.

"Are you dating?" Beverly asks. Me and Mike look at each other and take two steps away, laughing.

"Gross. No. Nope. No. Get rid of those gross thought." I say quickly.

"Gross?" Ben wonders.

"He's my cousin!" Me and Mike yell simultaneously.

'Ooooh's fall around the group. A sigh of relief leaves Richie's mouth though.

I walk over to Richie as the other quietly converse.

"Hey Rich." I greet.

"Hey handsome." He winks. A blush finds my face. I'm so great full everyone agreed to a sleepover.

"We should g-g-go to my hou-house for the sle-sleepover!" Bill announces. Everyone agrees and we make our way to the boy's house, which was nearby.

I rode onto on back of Richies bike, as mine is still at the riverbank, and we just sat there, enjoying each others' company. My head was on his shoulder as he biked away, my arms wrapped around his waist.

"Hey Richie?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"Thanks for caring about me." I say.

"How could I not care about you love?" He asks.

There it is again. "Do that again." I say.

"Do what?" He asks.

"Call me love..." I mumble.

"What's that? I didn't hear you?" He smirks.

"You heard me fine." I groan. Moving my head off his shoulder and placing my cheek to his back.

"I did, I just wanted you to say it again." He states.

"Yeah, well I'm not gonna so...." I say sassily.

"Okay, love." He smirks.

I blush into his back and I'm lucky he cant see my face right now.

"H-h-Here." Bill says, stoping infront of a house.

1111 words (not including this)

Trashmouth's Lover Boy | Richie Tozier x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now