2.15 - Chris...

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Richie hurries over to the doctor and says, "That's me. How's Chris?"

The doctor shakes his head, "He only has around six months left, his heart rate is slowly slowing down, there's nothing we can do."

"Please, there's gotta be something!" Richie pleads, tears rolling down his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do. You may see him now." The doctor walks off.

The losers rush to Chris's room to see him, hrs not awake yet, but should awaken soon.

Chris's POV

"You think he'll wake up soon?" A red-head asks a darker skinned man.

"I believe so..." The man hesitates.

"Ch-Chris is gonna be upset w-when he hears this.." A brown haired man stutters.

"Man, there could be so many infections running through his stomach." A smaller brown haired man worries.

A physically stronger man says, "I know this is hard for you, Richie, but we need you to calm down." He wraps his arms around the red-headed girl.

"Shut up!" A taller, lanky, really hot, man with black curly hair shouts.

"I'm not calming down. If this were Bev, you'd be freaking out. If it were Stan, Bill would be freaking out." The hotter man argues.

"Richie..." A curly haired man stands up from his spot next to the stuttering one. He puts his hand on the hot man's shoulder.

"Chris will wake up soon, just sit down, please." The curly haired man begged. The hotter man nodded and sat on a chair next to a bed.

The bed that I was laying on, watching. Well, my eyes weren't open, but I could still see them.

Who are they? I don't know, but they seem like they know me.
I'm Chris, right?

I try to open my eyes, but to no avail. The hotter man starts crying and leans on the bed I'm lying on. He takes my hand, and that's when I notice the rings on our fingers.

We're married? Since when? Who is this man?

I need to remember them, I obviously know them. But from where?

I examine each individual more closely. I recognize curly haired guy as Stanley Uris, my best friend. I always thought of him more as my brother.

Next to Stan was the stuttering man, Bill Denbrough. He's my second closest friend. He was there with me through thick and thin.

The stronger guy has to be Ben Hanscom, but I'm not entirely sure. Just based on how close him and Red Head are, I'd say their dating.

The red head has to be Beverly Marsh. She's the only girl in the losers club.

The darker skinned man is Mike Hanlon, my cousin. Next to him has got to be Eddie Kasprak.

I examined the one on my bed closer. Who is he? What relation? Are we married?

Is... could this be Richie Tozier? He's one of the funniest and most flirtatious people I know.

But I remember then as children, back when we were thirteen and fourteen, not as adults.

I try to remember, but I give up. I know them, but only as their children sides, not adult. I can practically see the younger them doing the same poses.

I tried to open my eyes again, and it worked. The white light blinds me, and I shut my eyes again.

I reopen them to see the group of losers all asleep. They're each passed out in their own way.

Eddie is leaning carefully against Mike. Mike is against the wall. Bill and Stan are cuddling, same with Ben and Beverly. Richie is passed out on the chair beside my bed, his head on his arms on my bed.

I sit up carefully and look at my friends from childhood. I look down at my stomach and lift the blanket. My stomach has a wrap over it, but I could see the indentation of where the hole in my abdomen is.

I lift the bandage slightly to see a gaping hole and guts. I drop the bandage, and it snaps in place. I'm not wearing a shirt, only pants.

The losers all look like they were sopping wet, and now their hair had dried, sloppily.

I just sit there and watch every movement of Richie. The way his hand slightly tightens around mine. The way he shifts after a certain time. The way his hair falls.

I can't believe we're married. It's a dream come true.

The clown. Everything that happened came flooding back. I looked over everyone again and saw nobody was hurt besides me.

Richie groaned and sat up. He made eye contact with me and smiled widely.

He hugged me tightly and held me close. Whispering, "I'm so so sorry, love." Over and over again.

He peeled away for the hug, and I put my arms around his waist. He smirked and kissed me passionately.

His arms draped over my neck, and he continued to kiss me with so much love. His lips are sweet, just like sugar.

We pull back for air, and he rests his forehead against mine, smiling. His smile falls, and he backs up and looks at me.

"Chris, the doctors... They said... That you only have..." Richie stopped, a tear rolling down his cheek.

He wiped it and continued, "Six months. You only have six months." He sobbed.

I pulled him onto the bed with me and hugged him closely. He put his arms around me and cried. I was crying as well, only six months to be with the love of my life and not having to fear when It would be back. Because it's gone.

The losers wake up one by one, and they see me awake and smile. When Stan woke up, he hugged me tightly. Bill sighed of relief and smiled widely when he woke up.

They were happy I'm awake. They knew the six months would be over sooner than they wanted, but that's just the way it goes, unfortunately.

Once I was let out of the hospital, which took up two of my six months, Richie took me home and planned a small party of us losers.

The party only lasted until 1am, when Eddie called it late and he hit the hay. Everyone fell asleep after that, a giant loser sleepover at Richie and my house.

Bill canceled the movie production for now and focused on hanging out with us before I left.

Those were the best four months of my life. I wouldn't change it for the world.

1091 words (not including this)
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