Unexpected Stop

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"I can't even tell my left brain from my right anymore! How many times I got to tell you Mona Lisa?" A male voice asks from inside as the group arrive outside a home.

"Mona Lisa?" Penny asks as she goes towards the door.

"Wait Penny." Alexis says but is too late as Penny has already opened the door to reveal a woman and man arguing with a nearly complete painting of the woman nearby.

"I can't paint the picture... until you smile!" The man shouts.

"Leonardo tell me one thing I have to smile about." The woman says angrily before the man and woman notice the group.

"Ah Peabody my old friend. What a welcome interruption! Believe you me this woman is making me nuts. So how you been? Good to see you. What do you want?" The man asks as he comes over.

"We're in a desperate hurry to get home but the WABAC needs a jump start... and we thought who better than Leonardo da Vinci to help us on our way?" Mr. Peabody asks.

"Peabody I would love to help you but you come at a very bad time. I don't know what I'm going to do with this crazy woman. You see what I mean?" Leonardo asks as Mona Lisa sticks her tongue out at him.

"What seems to be the problem?" Mr. Peabody asks.

"What is the problem? I am halfway done with the painting but she won't even smile." Leonardo says as he gestures to Mona Lisa.

"Fine. I smile." Mona Lisa says as she fakes a smile.

"No! That's a fake smile! Everybody knows that! Why don't you make it a real smile?" Leonardo asks angrily.

"Why don't you say something funny?" Mona Lisa asks angrily.

"I paint the paintings. I make the machines. I don't tell the jokes!" Leonardo says frustratedly.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance." Mr. Peabody says as he tells a joke in attempt to make Mona Lisa laugh with no luck before colliding with a painting of a woman and his head goes through causing the others and Mona Lisa to laugh.

"Oh! Hold that smile! Hold it right there! No move! No move!" Leonardo says as he starts painting Mona Lisa smiling.


"Psst! Sherman." Penny says as she and Alexis are behind a wheel piece of the machine Mr. Peabody and Leonarodo are building.

"Over here." Alexis says as Sherman looks at her and Penny.

"Huh?" Sherman asks as he comes over.

"Let's go. Let's go explore." Penny says as she smiles.

"Uh well I'm supposed to be having father-son time with Mr. Peabody." Sherman says.

"Wouldn't you rather have fun with me?" Penny asks sweetly.

"Yeah. I would kinda like to go explore with you Sherman." Alexis says as Sherman looks at her and blushes slightly.

"Or better yet have some fun hanging out with Alexis?" Penny asks as Alexis blushes slightly.

"Uh... okay." Sherman says as he smiles before beginning to walk off with Alexis and Penny.

"Sherman... where are you going?" Mr. Peabody asks as the group stops and looks at him.

"Exploring." Sherman says.

"With us." Alexis says as Sherman smiles at her.

"But we need your help." Mr. Peabody says.

"No we don't! I mean we can manage." Leonardo says as the group runs off leaving Mr. Peabody and Leonardo.

Love Knows No Boundaries Mr. Peabody And Sherman Sherman X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now