I'm a Dog

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"Mr. Peabody you're under arrest for kidnapping, reckless endangerment...And a multiplicity of major traffic violations." A policeman says as the group comes out of the WABAC only for Mr. Peabody to be captured by animal control.

"You don't understand. There's a rip in the space-time continuum! If you arrest me I won't be able to fix..." Mr. Peabody says as he tries to get loose.

"Blah blah blah. For too long... you've bamboozled the world with your fancy jargon... and that little red tie of yours... and look what's come of it. Take him away!" Ms. Grunion says as animal control begins to drag Mr. Peabody towards a van.

"Wait." Mr. Peabody says.

"Mr. Peabody!" Sherman shouts.

"Sherman!" Mr. Peabody shouts.

"What's gonna happen to Mr. Peabody?" Sherman asks as he looks at Ms. Grunion.

"Don't you know what happens to dogs that bite?" Ms. Grunion asks as she smiles.

"Let me go. You don't know what you're doing. Please before it's too late." Mr. Peabody shouts.

"Wait! Give him another chance." Penny says as she and Alexis go over to Ms. Grunion.

"Please! He isn't the monster you think he is." Alexis says as she looks at Mr. Peabody.

"He's through with chances. Now he has to pay for his mistakes." Ms. Grunion says.

"But I'm the one who made all the mistakes. I'm the one who used the WABAC without permission. The only mistake Mr. Peabody ever made... was me." Sherman says sadly.

"Sherman." Mr. Peabody says.

"You're absolutely right Sherman. What kind of a father could this dog ever be to a boy?" Ms. Grunion says as she gestures to Mr. Peabody.

"Maybe you're right, Ms. Grunion. But there's one thing you haven't considered." Sherman says as ms. grunion looks at him.

"What's that?" Ms. Grunion asks.

"I'm a dog too! If being a dog means you're like Mr. Peabody... who never turns his back on you... and who's always there to pick you up when you fall... and loves you no matter how many times you mess up... if that's what it means to be a dog... then yeah I'm a dog too!" Sherman says as others speak up saying they are dogs too.

"I'm a dog." Penny says.

"I'm a dog too." Alexis says as she goes over to Sherman and smiles before hugging him as he hugs her back.

"I'm Spartacus!" Spartacus says as he raises his hand.

"All right fine you're all dogs but you can't change the law." Ms. Grunion says.

"I know someone who can. George Washington." Penny says as she walks over with George Washington.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident... that all men and some dogs are created equal. I hereby award Mr. Peabody a presidential pardon." George Washington says as the animal control lets Mr. Peabody go before Mr. Peabody goes over and hugs Sherman.


"Uh Mr. Peabody look!" Sherman shouts as everyone looks up to see the wormhole in the sky getting closer.

"It's getting closer! What are we going to do?" Alexis asks worriedly.

"This is the greatest collection of geniuses ever assembled! Surely we can come up with another way of getting to the past." Mr. Peabody says as he and the past people start talking.

"I have an idea. Hey everybody! I have an idea!" Sherman shouts as Mr. Peabody looks at him.

"Yes what is it Sherman?" Mr. Peabody asks.

"Why not go to the future?" Sherman asks.

"The future?" Alexis asks as she looks at Sherman curiously.

"I've never been there before so it's probably not as messed up." Sherman says.

"Sherman that's it! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Mr. Peabody asks.

"Not usually." Sherman says confusedly.

"It's exactly what you all just said... except the total opposite! If we set the WABAC for the future and go very very fast... we'll create our own gravitational field... that's equal and opposite... to the rip in the space-time continuum!" Mr. Peabody shouts.

"I don't get it." Agamemnon says as Sherman looks at him.

"We're gonna fly up there and punch that big hole in the face!" Sherman shouts.

"Yes!" Agamemnon says.

"Sherman you're a genius." Alexis says.

"But Peabody... how far into the future must you go?" Leonardo asks.

"Just a few seconds ought to do it and then we'll slingshot right back." Mr. Peabody says.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Alexis asks as she looks at Sherman.

"Don't worry Alexis. Just remember I'm a... genius!" Sherman says as he falls into the WABAC as he and Mr. Peabody get inside it before flying up into the sky and into the hole.

"Did they do it?" Alexis asks as Agamemnon lifts her and Penny onto his shoulders before they see people and things being sucked into the hole before all the past people are eventually sucked into the hole along with Ms. Grunion as it disappears.

"Come on Sherman. Come on!" Penny says as the group is waiting for the WABAC to return with Mr. Peabody and Sherman.

"Please be okay. Yes! They made it!" Alexis says happily as the WABAC comes out of a hole and flies around.


"Hey Mr. Peabody! Hey Sherman! You know if you're gonna make a move you might wanna do it." Penny says as she and Alexis see Sherman talking to his dad outside the school.

"Wait what?" Alexis asks as she looks at Penny.

"See you in class." Penny says as she smiles before quickly walking off.

"Penny." Alexis says as she shakes her head before smiling.

"Hey Alexis." Sherman says as he comes over.

"Oh uh Sherman. You uh look very handsome today." Alexis says as she blushes.

"Thanks. You look nice too.. uh I was curious but you would you.." Sherman says as he struggles to say what he wants to say.

"Sherman?" Alexis asks as Sherman looks at her.

"Yeah?" Sherman asks.

"Would you want to come to dinner with me and my family later this week?" Alexis asks kindly.

"I'd love that." Sherman says happily as he walks into school with Alexis while holding her hand as he smiles.

Love Knows No Boundaries Mr. Peabody And Sherman Sherman X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now