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"There he is." Alexis says as she, Penny, and Sherman look at Mr. Peabody with Penny's parents.

"Mr. Peabody. Can we talk to you a second?" Sherman says as Mr. Peabody looks at the group before coming over.

"I've really hit it off with your parents. I think we can file this night under Unqualified Success." Mr. Peabody says.

"I'd hold off filing it just yet." Alexis says.

"What do you mean? Why are you two dressed like ancient... Greeks? You used the WABAC!" Mr. Peabody says in alarm.

"I did. I know. It's terrible!" Sherman says shamefully.

"But why?" Mr. Peabody asks.

"To put it shortly an argument or well a couple actually got really out of hand." Alexis says.

"And you died in ancient Troy so we came back here." Sherman says.

"I find that hard to believe but I told you never to come back to a time when you existed... Because there would be two of you!" Mr. Peabody says.

"Yeah but the other one of me is in ancient Egypt." Sherman says as the old Sherman arrives in the elevator.

"Ahh! Who are you?" The old Sherman asks in alarm.

"He's you but from another timeline." Mr. Peabody says.

"But I thought you said never to come back to a time when you existed." The old Sherman says as he, Mr. Peabody, and Sherman talk among each other.

"This is confusing." Penny says as Alexis nods.

"Very." Alexis says.

"We can't have two Shermans in the same timeline. It puts too much strain on the space-time continuum. What to do? The Petersons can't know any of this." Mr. Peabody says as Penny's parents come over causing Mr. Peabody to push the other Sherman out of sight quickly.

"Hey Pea-buddy." Paul says.

"Hey. How's it going?" Mr. Peabody asks nervously.

"Patty and I are working up an appetite. The smells coming from your kitchen are yummy! Especially that Baked Alaska." Paul says.

"So what's going on here?" Patty asks as she looks at Alexis, Sherman, and Penny.

"Yeah what's with the getups?" Paul asks.

"Toga party!" Penny says.

"Toga party?" Patty asks as she looks at Paul.

"Yes it is a toga party!" Alexis says.

"Well what about dinner? I'm starving. Why don't we head into the dining room... and tuck into those quails you've been yakking about?" Paul asks as Mr. Peabody sees the old Sherman sneaking behind Penny's parents.

"No!" Mr. Peabody shouts.

"Why not?" Patty asks.

"Because it's so fun right here! Ms. Grunion! How delightful. We were having such a good time... I almost forgot you were coming. Oh! Well why don't you join the party?" Mr. Peabody says as Ms. Grunion arrives in the elevator.

Love Knows No Boundaries Mr. Peabody And Sherman Sherman X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now