Chapter 3

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"Well, you two passed. With flying colors as well."

As soon as they heard those words spoken, both Elias and Cecilia let out a massive sigh of relief, with Elias falling to ground and Cecilia resting her arm on his head. Shaking her arm off his head, Elias glared at Cecilia, who smirked at him as she put her arm back on his head. As soon as she had did this, Elias immediately took out her legs, and with a yelp , she too was on the floor. Chuckling at their antics, Asuka said,

"That's enough out of both of you, you're both adults."

Immediately, Cecilia leapt to her feet, while Elias got slowly and dusted himself off. Speaking again, Asuka said,

"Now that the two of you are no longer my students, there's something I'm going to show you."

Beckoning the two of them to come along, Asuka began to walk towards the White House as Cecilia and Elias followed. Entering the White House, the three of them made their way towards the lower areas as Asuka filled the silence,

"I assume you two explored the White House earlier."

Responding, Cecilia said,

"We did, this place is huge, it's amazing how people managed to build this entire place."

"The construction of the White House was a gradual one, it took many years before it was every fully completed. It also had multiple upgrades in terms of technology as well as several additions added by the prior residents."

"That makes sense."

Speaking up, Elias said,

"Though the history lesson is welcome, where are you taking us master?"

"It's rather simple, there is a place that resides under the White House, something built during the crusades as sort of a safe house."

Entering a hallway with an arched ceiling, multiple paining hung from the walls, and a large white door at the end of the hall, the three of them walked up to door as Cecilia looked at the door and said,

"So this is the entrance?"

Responding to Cecilia, Asuka said,

"No, this leads to a regular room," grabbing the door handle, "it's what the door hides is what we're looking for."

As Asuka pulled the door handle up, causing the floor underneath them to sink, revealing a steel elevator shaft as they began to travel downwards. Reaching the bottom of the shaft, it revealed a sprawling city. The city was attached to the walls as every layer lead to another, continuing till it reached the bottom of Tír na nÓg. The walls themselves were transparent as they overlooked the landscape of the moon and the surrounding space. Marveling at the city, Elias and Cecilia were speechless as they took in what is front of them. Letting them look for several minutes, Asuka said,

"What the two of you are looking at is Tír na nÓg, well the city to be specific."

Breaking their silence, Cecilia said,

"It's amazing, who knew such a place existed!"

Replying to Cecilia, Elias said,

"Most people on the colony probably know."

Facing Elias, Cecilia said,

"How would you know that?"

"Think about it, this was most likely the original moon colony, before the one we are familiar with was built."

"Well then how come no one has told us it existed then!"

"It was probably not necessarily, by the time we were born, everything had been properly set up and there wouldn't be a need to live here," turning his head to look at Asuka, "right?"

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