Chapter 5

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The train traveled across the ground, sparks flying from the wheels as it ground to a halt. As the four of them made their way to the front cars, a door to one of the passenger car opened. The vacuum that kept the doors closed released, steam bellowing from the openings. Reaching the car whose door was opening, Elias summoned his spear and pointed it towards the door, waiting for whatever was to come out.

Light soon began to come from the cracks as the door slid open, light pouring from the car as Elias and Cecilia shielded their eyes and both Asuka's simply watched. As the light died down, a small bipedal bunny looking thing dressed in a red conductors outside stepped down from the car and looked towards Elias and said in a high pitch voice,

"You! Blondie with the ponytail!"

Slightly lowering his spear, Elias looked inquisitively at the small thing,

"Your talking to me?"

"Who else here has blond hair in a ponytail! Of course it's you!"

Placing his hand onto Elias spear, Asuka pushed it down.

"That's enough, they don't mean any harm." Turning his attention to the creature, Asuka said to it,

"Judging from your appearance you must be the conductor of the Astral Express. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You bet Pom-Pom is!"

Slightly bending down to get closer to Pom-Pom, Cecilia said,

"This little thing is the conductor of this train? I'm not sure such a tiny thing would be capable of handling such a machine."

Glaring at Cecilia, Pom-Pom said,

"Pom-Pom's size has nothing to do how well Pom-Pom does their job!"

"I apologize for my students rudeness," Pom-Pom only let a 'hmph' in response, "my name is Asuka R' Kreutz, my two students are Cecilia, the one who called you tiny, Elias, the one you referred to as blondie, and the one who looks like just me is also called Asuka, but he will tel you what he wants to be called. It's a pleasure for the Astral Express to have arrived here, may I ask where the rest of crew is?"

"Finally some respect," Cecilia and Elias looked at each other with exasperated expressions, "and the rest of the crew is still inside the Express, if you wish to meet them I will bring them out."

"That would be wonderful conductor."

Going back inside the Express, the conductor was gone for a few minutes before they returned back outside, only this time accompanied by three people. The first was a young woman with bright red hair dressed in a white dress with a black coat hanging from her shoulders.

The second was seemingly a middle aged man with a white streak in his otherwise brown hair

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The second was seemingly a middle aged man with a white streak in his otherwise brown hair. Wearing relatively simply coat and carrying with him a cane with a dark ruby handle.

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