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islands in the stream

Lucy's POV

"I don't understand why Tim is giving me such a hard time about being a good person to Tamara. I'm literally giving her that death trap to sleep in. It's the least I could do." I tell Jackson while we bring the war bags back to the shelf.

"Bradford's giving you a hard time for having a puppy?" Smitty asks, sipping an icee. "Yeah. He says that isn't not good and that you can't save everyone." I repeat the words he told me earlier in the shop.

"Well maybe he should take his own advice. I mean, he adopted his puppy after all. She is one feisty chica." He rolls his eyes, walking away.

"What I got from that is that Tim 'hardass' Bradford, adopted a girl and is telling you not to help out Tamara? That's definitely something." Jackson laughs.


I climb into the shop after doing the necessary, and turn on all the camera on my side. "Last night I had a very interesting conversation with Smitty, any idea about what?" I teasingly ask him.

"Knowing Smitty, it could be anything. Is it relevant though?" Tim asks, pulling onto the main road. "Yes. He told me that you had a puppy too. And that you adopted your puppy. And that she was a 'feisty chica', but I'm not too positive that she is." I explain.

The look on his face is pure shock. It was quite comical really. "All I'm saying is, I'm highly offended Smitty knows more about her than I do." I shrug, looking out the window.

"Chen look, the only reason I adopted her was because at every house she was placed in she was raped or sold in prostitution. She couldn't trust anyone else. She had told me that she rather live on the streets than be in a home. So the only way that I knew she was safe was that if she was with me. And now she's the reason I go home everyday. So sorry for not telling you, but she's just never been brought up so I didn't say anything." He calmly spoke.

Before I could say anything, he points to a guy trying to open the car door. "Hey isn't that your car?" Fuck it is. We pull over and get out of the shop and walk over to the man.

"Sir are you trying to steal this car?" I ask him. "No I just bought for four grand. This young chick just gave me the title. I just don't know how to open the stupid door." He says as he hits the door out of frustration.

"Yo-you have to pull up and then pull." I roll my eyes and get into the shop. "Tamara sold my car." I tell Tim. "Oh bad puppy. What are you going to do about it?" "Confront her after she gets out of school." He nods, and we continue our shift.


"So wait, what does Lucina look like?" I ask, bringing her pack up. He pulls into a high school parking lot, and parks the shop. "Well you're about to meet her. She needed me to pick her up. So I'll go get her while you stay in here." I nod, and excitement starts to overcome any other emotion.

He walks out a few minutes later with a teenager that about 17 years old, and she is gorgeous.

"Hello Officer Chen! I'm Lucina, Tim's daughter. It's nice to finally meet you." She smiles as Tim lets her in the back.

"Oh my gosh it's so nice to meet you! I haven't heard much about you but you are gorgeous." I smile at her. "Stawppp. You're such a charmer. Much like my Diego." She smiles.

"Did I need to pick him up too?" Tim asks, getting in the shop. "No, he drove today so he's good." Tim nods, pulling out of the parking lot.

"Are you going home?" "Yes please." She nods, looking at her phone. "Pato look at this photo me and Di took earlier. After that we got our science test back and seen that we both passed." Lucina shows us her phone, and the picture is on display.

"You guys are cute together

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"You guys are cute together. Is he your boyfriend?" I ask, looking at her. Her face gets red while Tim laughs. "No they aren't. They're both obsessed with each other but won't say anything because they're afraid that the other doesn't feel the same and it will ruin their friendship. So I just have to sit there every night and watch them flirt and it's torture." Tim complains.

"Wait, he lives with you guys?" I ask, shocked that Bradford would let that happen. "Yeah. He's not allowed home most of the time, and he just doesn't like to be home." Lucina replies softly, defending him.

"That's sad. Well I would love to meet him too. Maybe after school sometime you guys could bring him to the station." "Yeah that's not the best idea. Diego has a criminal record. He was framed by his older brother and cousins that are in a gang. But they are locked up now because of Dad. And some of the other cops don't think he's innocent. It's quite annoying." Lucina explains.

"But you can come over for dinner soon. We can have a pool party at Señora Claudia's. She loves having people over. And we need to use the pool before she has the people come and close it for her." She suggests.

Tim rolls his eyes but sighs. "If she says that we can I don't care. But I'm not cleaning anything up so you and Diego can do that." "Okay then it's settled. Drop me off at the station and I'll go invite the people you like to it and we can have a party."

"Okay. But if we invite the rookies we have to invite Nolan too." "Okay well tell me everyone you want to invite and I'll tell them when I go in to see Angela."

"Chen, Lopez, Harper, West, Grey, and Nolan. And tell them they can bring their families too." Lucina nods, and when the car stops she tries to open the door but it locked.

"Okay Pato let me out kid." I laugh at the name and open the door for her, and she thanks me before walking into the station.

"She's so sweet. I never imagined you have a daughter. You're a big softie." I tease him, nudging his arms. He just rolls his eyes and walks in behind her. "Shut up Chen. Now, want to go ask your puppy why she sold the car?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30 ⏰

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