the trial of earth

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       Humanity worked, labored, and all around tried to never ever go extinct. It was in their genome, a neverending drive to always be as far from the brink as possible. So when another species, one who thought that it would be an easy conquest came rolling around the corner, looking for trouble. Humanity gave it more than it would ask for. The idea of the alien fleet (known as the zarn) was simple. Drop kinetic payloads from orbit on military bases, surround major population centers, and proceed to take over the world from there (and then they could use the world's rexources to fight the enemy too). A simple process, and the best part, it was supposed to be relatively painless aswell.
       The first step of the invasion went off without a hitch. Several earth shattering kabooms later and humanities most advanced weapons were mere soot and ash. However they had missed a few. Specifically submarines and hidden missile silos that were constructed in the cold war. Quick modifications to the targeting systems of the I.C.B.M's would result in nuclear fission capped surface to orbit missiles. The next immediate action would result in all of the invasion fleet in orbit dieing to mass amounts of x-ray and gamma radiation. As nuclear weapons don't cause huge fireballs in space, they instead produce mass amounts of radiation. Which would then slowly kill all of the zarn inside of their flying, metal coffins.
       This would probably be a good time to mention what the zarn look like themselves. They are tall (8 foot) and spindly, with scaled apendages and an alligators head.
       The zarn then proceeded to try to take over a city... in america... in Texas. Need I say more, they were decimated (austin was a bad choice). While they were muscular and strong for their world, they weren't prepared for earth's gravity, which was 40% heavier than their own.
       Normally this wouldn't be a problem, as most species wouldn't have as much stamina as them (as they were trained specially for it). This would allow them to run them down and fight and kill them slowly, with plenty of rest brakes too. However, for this strategy, they picked the wrong target. Not only are we endurance hunters, we are also naturally independent. Meaning that the groups that would travel together seemingly split up and then disappear for weeks on end, then meeting up again to get back to another thing Humanity was good at. Guerilla warfare.
       With resistance groups meeting up and connecting all over the world, the invasion wasn't looking good. Still, they fought on to the end, as it was the last order they had received from their leaders on their ships before they all were mutated horribly by the gamma rays.
       With the end of the war came the next question, what do we do after? As all of our many governmental institutions were destroyed, we were essentially living in anarchy. The end result would be the destruction of the human race if the zarn came back and we weren't ready. So we all came to an understanding, The United Terran Coalition. With all of humanity under one banner we would proceed to reproduce many of the technologies the zarn fleet had in orbit over our heads, locked away from prying eye.
       Humanities next great triumph came in the form of several new technologies that we acquired off the ships. Including new forms of metallurgy, gravity controls (which also lead to inertial dampeners), and our last, greatest achievement, the Sharapakov drive. This beauty, capable of traveling at 100 light years per day at top level civilian drive speed, and 200 per day at the fastest for military and diplomatic ships, was the saving grace of humanity. It worked by abusing temporal physics to create time travel. Now this normally wouldn't be possible without the ability to make space do donughts for you thanks to gravity control. There, however, is a limit to the temporal bull that you can pull before it collapses, pulling you back to the present, a hundredth of a second later. Thanks to being able to go back to times near the beginning of the univers, when it was smaller. We could go to when it was smaller, move a little, and then, thanks to some math that you would need several doctorates to even get close to understanding. You can cement your place and then, when you get flung back to the future, you will arrive where you had been in the past. Thanks to the expansion of the universe, you could be anywhere from 100 yards to 8 light years away. This process produces quite a bit of radiation and heat though. Which is radiated out from the ship quickly after.
      Combined with our new tech and a drive to get back at the enemy, we took to the stars, conquered, fought, lost, won, and all around gave it our all til they surrendered.
That was it, the beginning of our ascension as the leader of 2 races in our local area. But as we looked forward, we wondered "what else is out there?".And we searched and searched. Finally finding our footing we stepped out of our comfort zone, pushed farther, faster, and harder at our chains hoding us back. And when we were finally ready, our colony ships poised to jump, and our military ready to protect them. We, as one, said "Numquam propius est finis finalis" and jumped away into the stars.

Hello, I'm writing something for the first time and I would love some constructive criticism. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it. See yah later.


Ps. If anybody wants more, just ask. I've wanted to write something for a little while anyways.

PPs. If anyone read this aswell, could you possibly share it. I don't mean peddle it on someone but just... recommend it, maybe rate it well. It'd be nice to see.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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