Part Four: Brawl It Out

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“Yes, it is.” Aracelia replied, turning back to address Ray, “Hey Ray…” Ray grinned and took a few paces toward Aracelia.

“A bummer you wouldn’t meet me by my car, but I thought my safest bet was to just come here and wait for you. You were off earlier than I expected.” Ray’s voice was breathy, almost in an uncomfortable way. Damien’s shoulders tensed as Ray’s eyes darted to him next, widening ever so slightly.

“Ray, this is Damien, he’s a friend from highschool, one of my best.” Aracelia shot Damien a small grin, but his gaze remained laser focused on Ray.

“Mind if I get to know him?” Ray grinned.

“I don’t think that's a good idea, Ray.” Aracelia fretted, shooting yet another glance at Damien.

“Go get changed, Lia. That uniform’s got to be uncomfortable.” Damien turned to her now, placing a hand on the square of her back, Aracelia sighed and nodded, rushing past Ray to unlock her door and slide in. Within an instant, Ray bounded up to Damien and gave him a hard shove against the wall. Damien didn’t retaliate.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve showing up here when It’s obvious Aracelia is mine.” Ray looked almost psychotic.

“She’s not an object, and she doesn’t belong to you.” Damien stood upwards now, bulky shoulders squaring. Ray grinned.

“Yeah, that bitch is mine.” Within a heartbeat, Damien whipped his fist across Ray's face. Blood spluttered down and pooled around Ray’s lips, dribbling from his nose as it lay crooked  and deformed. He fell backward, stumbling to regain his composure after the hit, but Damien wouldn’t allow such. Damien rammed forward, slamming his forearms against Ray’s shoulders and barreling him into the wall. He sneered, face twisting in anger.

“Don’t you ever call Aracelia a bitch.” Damien whipped his fist over the man's face again.

“Don’t ever talk to her again.” Another punch. Blood gushed over Damien’s knuckles, dribbling down his arms.

“Don’t even look at her ever again.” A final blow directly to the eye, Ray let out a yelp. Damien released his shoulders and stepped back. Choking back a sharp retort, Ray simply offered Damien a right hook to the nose, which didn’t do nearly as much damage as the last. Sure, blood dribbled out of his nose, but it remained in place, bones still intact. Damien hissed, and reared his fist back, landing a punch directly to Ray’s chest. He fell back again, slamming into the wall.

“I’ll get the police on you, freak.” Ray spluttered, blood pooling into his mouth.

“They’ll see you creepin on some chick and you’ll go in for being a massive perv. Watch it.” Damien spat at him. With that, he turned, and took his leave. He approached the door he had seen Aracelia disappear into and raised a fist, knocking. Aracelia’s had bobbled into view as the door slid open, a gasp of horror splitting through the air. She grasped him by the shirt and yanked him in, slamming the door behind her. Damien was shoved harshly into a large gaming type chair.

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