
130 7 3

Ship: Solangelo
Type: Smut, Fluff, Angst (yeah... in that order lmao)

"Ah...!" Nico moaned, glancing back over his shoulder at Will who was pounding into him.

Will slowly finished inside of him, clawing at his hips, "Baby!"

When he'd pulled out, the two of them collapsed in Will's bed.

Will wrapped his arms around Nico's bare body, "You're so beautiful..."

Nico smiled, adoring the affection, "Let's cuddle for a while."

The sound of rain pounded against their window. It was refreshing and cozy.

"I love the rain," Nico said, resting his ear against Will's heartbeat.

"Why?" he asked, more of a sunshine kind of guy.

Nico shrugged, "The plants need it. And it's a good excuse to stay inside and do things like this."

Will smirked, "I guess you're right."

After a moment of comfortable silence, Will piped up.

"Baby?" he asked, rubbing Nico's shoulder sensually with his thumb, keeping his arm wrapped around Nico's smaller frame.

"Yeah?" his boyfriend responded, his hand feeling up and down Will's abdomen.

"We should talk."

An anxiety settled into Nico's chest.

"Is it serious?" he asked, mentally preparing himself for the worst.

"A little bit," Will said, "But... I don't know. We should just talk about it."

"What is it?" Nico asked, furrowing his eyebrows. He gently moved to sit up, but Will pulled him back down, cuddling him still.

Awkwardly, they both stared at the ceiling.

"I feel like you don't love me as much anymore," Will started, boldly but with a soft, quiet voice. "It's not that you're doing anything differently, just... You don't look at me the same."

Nico felt his tongue go dry. "What are you talking about? You're my entire life, Will. My future. You're on my mind every day." He felt his heart turn around in anger and sadness, general hurt that Will felt unloved by him. All Nico knew how to do was love Will. He loved Will even more than he loved himself, whether it was healthy or not.

Will felt his throat close up a little bit, with fear but also sorrow. He felt tears prick his eyes, but he didn't dare let them out, or let his voice waver in the slightest.

"You don't look at me the same way you did a few months ago," he said, stating it matter-of-factly.

Nico pushed himself out of Will's arms, sitting up and looking down at him, meeting his eyes, "I'm sorry if it's not coming across, but I look at you the same way. I feel the same way about you. I love you, Will. There must be more to it than 'the way I look at you'."

Will shrugged, "There's no sparkle. No flare."

"No flare?" Nico lifted an eyebrow. "Sure, maybe we're not as romantic as we were, but we live with each other 24/7. Half of your work is online. I stay at home all day painting. We're demigods for crying out loud. There's no way that there isn't going to be moments where the 'flare' or whatever isn't there, but that doesn't mean I don't look at you with the same growing love I've always had."

Will picked up on the anger in Nico's voice. He knew Nico didn't mean harm, but it frustrated him.

"You honestly think that any relationship is going to last if you're getting bored?" he asked sarcastically.

"Bored?" Nico questioned. "Am I fucking boring then?"

"You're the one tired of living with me '24/7'?"

"I didn't say I was tired of it!"

"You meant it."

"Stop putting words in my mouth."

"Maybe if you wanted to go on a date once in a while instead of asking me to put my dick there instead."

Nico shifted, staring at Will like he was crazy. "What, so you don't wanna fuck me now? You don't think I'm attractive? Sex isn't a date?"

"Sex isn't a date! It's just sex!"

"It's how I connected with you," he said, "I told you that when I meant you. Physical touch, remember? My love language?"

Will shook his head, "You like my body more than you like being with me."

Nico felt tears prick his eyes, "You didn't say no to thinking I'm unattractive."

Nico expected Will to recognize the emotions he was being thrown through in that moment, but instead Will gave an exasperated sigh and folded his arms.

"You always do this. Make yourself the victim."

"Victim?" Nico leaned back, shaking his head. "I am not a victim. I've been through a lot, but I've overcome all of it."

"Don't lie to me," Will spat. "You barely sleep over the shit you've been through. You refuse to get therapy. You're crying about it half the day everyday."

Nico looked away, clenching his jaw. "I didn't know having emotion was such a bad thing to you."

"I never said that."

"You're acting like it."

"Goddammit, Nico."

"WHAT?" Nico shouted now, almost startling Will. "What is so awful about me now that you're sick and tired of the way I love you?!"

"EVERYTHING!" Will screamed in retaliation, not thinking about it, his heart racing.

Nico closed his mouth completely. The anger in his face fell, leaving behind the sadness from before, now intensified. Nico felt naked, vulnerable staring into Will's eyes, searching for an ounce of regret from saying that, but he couldn't look away.

"Oh, really?" Nico muttered.

Will's face broke. His anger washed out when he realized what he'd said, replaced with an apologetic frown.

"Shit, Nico-"

"No," he interrupted, turning away. "It's fine. I get it. I'm not easy to love, am I?"

With that, Nico slowly stood up.

"Please, baby, don't leave the conversation like this," Will said, looking up at him.

"Conversation?" Nico asked. "Breakup, actually."

With that, he silently exited the room. Will was left in the bedroom, tears streaming down his cheeks, dripping onto his clothes and wetting the materials.

Nico collapsed in the bathroom, crying into his palms. He couldn't face himself in the mirror, so he lowered his head to it and avoided his reflection.

Nico di Angelo One-shots: VOL 2Where stories live. Discover now