Chapter 1

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Korra woke up to a creek she knew all to well coming from her door, she sprung up from bed and looked up at the doorway, and all it held was  a worried mom in it. "Sorry mom, you scared me ." korra said

"My bad sweetheart,I just wanted to wake you up." Senna replied feeling for bad for scaring her daughter.

"It's okay."

Senna left the room to make breakfast leaving korra alone to get ready for the day ahead. she slowly climbed out of bed and made her way to the closet.

Korra walked downstairs to meet her mom at the table for breakfast.they ate breakfast and parted ways, korra's mom went to work, she worked as a chef at a popular restaurant, and korra just
walked to school, she lived less than a mile away.

Once she arrived she decided to walk around campus, She wander on to the football field and just stared she never really understood the sport but she didn't understand a lot of things. She made her way back up and to history.

When she got there she only saw 2 other students the looked almost the same, she knew who they both were, and didn't dare look their direction anymore, no matter what they did or didn't do, they, really one of them always found a way to infuriate her.

*bell rings *

Kids started to pour In the class along with the teacher, Mr.Bumi. Bumi was a cool guy he was korra's favorite teacher. " Alright, class I pretty sure you know about the new addition to the class ."  Soon A tall woman walked in

"why don't you introduce yourself to the class" Mr.Bumi asked.

"Hello everyone, I'm Asami and I hope we can all be friends." "thank you, Asami go ahead sit next to ...let's see" there were a few empty seats but Bumi wanted the right space for Asami. "Korra, korra,rise your hand up please."

korra rose her hand and Asami walked over to the empty seat next to the woman.
Korra continued class as normal but what wasn't normal was the stares she was getting left and right for everyone,she was confused because nobody except Mr.Bumi paid attention to her but, now all of a sudden everyone loves her .

* second period bell *

Korra was packing up her stuff, so she couldn't help but hear a couple kids talking about the new girl ." I heard her dad killed her mom." a kid said.
" I heard her mom had an affair and her dad turned into a psychopath." claimed another.
'The girl has been here for 1 class and rumors are flying' Korra thought walking out of class smiling at Mr.bumi.

Korra was on her way to her next class as she saw a familiar tall woman standing in confusion as she looked around, Korra walked up and tapped her shoulder to gain her attention. "Need help?"
The tall woman nodded and handed korra her
Schedule. korra took a look and realized they had the same schedule.
" today is your lucky day, we have to same schedule so I can show you around" korra said, smiling.

The tall woman only nodded and followed korra closely around as they walked to their next class.
"Mrs.kya is our science teacher, and she really nice and funny, but not funnier than Bumi respectfully" Korra added at the end of her sentence making Asami  chuckle.

"Morning girls" a sweet voice called out, Mrs.kya.
"Hey miss" korra said
"who's this?"

"I'm asami, it's nice to meet you." Asami said

" welcome, asami."

The girls walked to the back of the room and got to know each other. " so,....where are you from? " korra asked " A killer dad and a whore of a mom." the same kid who was talking about her in Mr.bumi's  class had yelled across the room.

The entire class erupted into laughter. Mrs.kya wasn't in the room, she was helping mr. Tenzin with something, so korra didn't hesitate to yell back,


Asami sprinted out of the classroom, with korra chasing after her. "ASAMI,WAIT." Korra ran out.

'What a great way to start the first day of school'

' perfect timing' ???- * the thing starts chasing after her.

( it's not anything bad😀)

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